
迪文小说>三国演义英文版电视剧 > 第52部分(第1页)


o a nonentity。 I have grieved over this day and night。 I have feared the empire would be ruined。

〃You are a high minister of state and my own relative。 You must recall the difficulties of the Great Founders early days and draw together the loyal and right…minded to destroy this evil faction and restore the prerogatives of the Throne。 Such a deed would be indeed an extreme joy to the spirits of my ancestors。

〃This decree; written in blood drawn from my own veins; is confided to a noble who is to be most careful not to fail in executing his Emperors design。

〃Given in the era of Rebuilt Tranquillity; fourth year and the third month of spring。〃 (AD 199)

So ran the decree; and Dong Cheng read it with streaming eyes。 There was no sleep for him that night。 Early in the morning he returned to his library and reread it。 No plan suggested itself。 He laid the decree down on the table and sought in the depths of his mind for some scheme to destroy Cao Cao; but could not decide upon any。 And he fell asleep leaning over his table。

It happened that Minister Wang Zifu; with whom Dong Cheng was on terms of great intimacy; came to visit him and; as usual; walked into the house unannounced and went straight to the library。 His host did not wake; and Wang Zifu noticed; hardly hidden by his sleeve; the Emperors writing。

Wondering what this might be; Wang Zifu drew it out; read it; and put it in his own sleeve。

Then he called out loud; 〃Uncle Dong Cheng; are you not well? Why are you asleep at this time of day?〃

Dong Cheng started up and at once missed the decree。 He was aghast; he almost fell to the ground。

〃So you want to make away with Cao Cao? I shall have to tell him;〃 said Wang Zifu。

〃Then; brother; that is the end of the Hans;〃 said his host; with tears。

〃I was joking;〃 said Wang Zifu。 〃My forefathers also served the Hans and ate of their bounty。 Am I devoid of loyalty? I would help you; brother; as far as lies in my power。〃

〃It is well for the country that you think like this;〃 said Dong Cheng。

〃But we ought to have a more private place than this to talk over such plans and pledge ourselves to sacrifice all in the cause of Han。〃

Dong Cheng began to feel very satisfied。 He produced a roll of white silk and wrote his own name at the top and signed it; and Wang Zifu followed suit。

Then the visitor said; 〃General Wu Zilan is one of my best friends。 He ought to be allowed to e in。〃

Dong Cheng replied; 〃Of all the officials of the court; mander Chong Ji and Court Counselor Wu Shi are my best friends。 Certainly they would back me up。〃

So the discussion proceeded。 Presently a servant announced no other than these very two men Dong Cheng just mentioned。

〃This is providential;〃 said Dong Cheng; and he told Wang Zifu to hide behind a screen。

The two guests were led into the library; and after the exchange of the ordinary civilities and a cup of tea; Chong Ji referred to the incident at the hunt and the shooting of the stag。

〃Were you not angry at that?〃 said Chong Ji。

Dong Cheng answered; 〃Though we be angry; what can we do?〃

Wu Shi struck in; saying; 〃I would slay this fellow; I swear; but I cannot get anyone to back me up。〃

〃One should perish for ones country; one should not mind;〃 said Chong Ji。

At this moment Wang Zifu appeared from behind the screen; saying; 〃You two want to kill Cao Cao! I shall have to let him know this。 And Uncle Dong Cheng is my witness。〃

〃A loyal minister does not mind death。 If we are killed; we will be Han ghosts; which is better than being sycophants of a traitor;〃 said Chong Ji; angrily。

Dong Cheng said; 〃We were just saying we wanted to see you two on this matter。 Wang Zifu is only joking。〃

Then he drew forth the decree and showed it to the two newers; who also wept as they read it。 They were asked to add their names to the silk roll。

Wang Zifu said; 〃Wait here a few moments till I get Wu Zilan to e。〃

He left the room and very soon returned with his friend; who also wrote his name in the presence of all the others。

After this they went into one of the inner chambers to drink success to the new plot。 While there; a new visitor; Ma Teng; Governor of Xiliang; was announced。

