This seems to indicate a swallows egg。
A many…chambered dwelling
Is hanging to your eaves。
Each room has a poisonous tenant;
Wholl be flying when he leaves。
This answers to a wasps nest。
Therein is a long…legged; trembling thing;
Who spins a thread from his inside
And spreads a fine spun net for flies;
He profits most at eventide。
And this it a spider。
〃The guests were amazed。
〃An old woman in his village having lost a cow; came to consult him。 After the divination; he told her that seven men had taken away the cow and were cooking and eating it on the bank of a certain mountain stream。 She had better go there quickly and see who they were。 If she went with all speed; she would find the skin and the flesh。 The woman went and found the seven men hidden behind a small shanty; boiling beef。 Most of the cows flesh was still there。 She told Governor Liu Bin; who arrested the seven men and punished them。 Then the Governor asked the old lady how she got to know exactly who the offenders were; and she told him。
〃Governor Liu Bin was dubious; too。 He sent for Guan Lu and put him to the following test。 He placed his seal and a pheasant feather in a box and asked what were the contents。 The reply was:
Square within; without so round;
Beauteous colors here abound;
The jewel within is held secure
And what it witnesses is sure。
Is not this a seal in its bag?
Theres a bird on the precipice steep;
Its body with flame seems aglow。
Its wings are barred yellow and black。
At sunrise it never fails to crow。
And I think this hints at a pheasant feather。
〃Governor Liu Bin treated the marvelous diviner with great honor。
〃One day Guan Lu saw a youth plowing a field。 After watching him for a long time; Guan Lu suddenly asked his name and age。 The young man said; My name is Zhao Yang; and I am nineteen。 Pray; who may you be; Sir?
〃I am Guan Lu; you may have heard of me。 I see an air of early death about you; and you will be done with life in three days。 It is a pity that one so handsome should die so young。
〃Zhao Yang forsook his plow; hurried home and told his father。 The father at once set out to find Guan Lu; and; having found Guan Lu; threw himself on the ground and besought the diviner to save his son。
〃How can I avert the doom? It is fate; said Guan Lu。
〃Alas! I have but this one son; I pray you save him。
〃And the son added his tears and prayers to those of his father。 Guan Lu was deeply touched。 Then he turned to the lad and said; You get ready some good wine and some venison。 Tomorrow go into the forest on the south there; and underneath a lofty tree you will see two men seated on boulders playing chess。 One of them will be dressed in white; and he will be facing the south。 He is very evil looking。 The other will be seated opposite; dressed in red。 He is very handsome。 They will be deeply absorbed in their game and will not notice who offers them food and wine; which you will humbly present on your knees。 When they have eaten and drunk; you will prostrate yourself and with tears pray them to grant you length of days。 You will gain an increased span of life; but; above all things; do not mention that I told you what to do。
〃The father kept Guan Lu as a guest; and the next day the son followed out his instructions。 He entered the forest and soon came upon the two men seated beneath a pine; playing chess。 They seemed oblivious to all around them。 Zhao Yang presented the wine and the food; and the two men ate absent…mindedly; for the game went on。 But when Zhao Yang threw himself on the ground and implored the gift of long life; they seemed startled。
〃This must be some of Guan Lus doing; said Red Robe。 Still; as we have accepted a gift at his hand; we must have pity on him。
〃He who was dressed in white then lifted up a book that hung at his side and looked therein。
〃You are nineteen this year; said White Dress to Zhao Yang。 You ought to die。 But we will insert a number nine over the number one and so make it read ninety…nine; and that is the age you will attain。 But when you go back; tell Guan Lu he is not to betray the secrets of fate; or Heaven will surely punish him。
〃Then Red Robe took out a pen and added the figure。 A gust of wind passed; and the two old men were transformed into two cranes that rose into the sky and flew away。 Zhao Yang came back home and told what he