
迪文小说>三国演义英文版电子书 > 第36部分(第2页)


Himself to slay。

Zhang Feis fate will be told in the next chapter。

Main Next to Chapter 15 》》

Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Taishi Ci Fights With The Little Prince;

Sun Ce Cuts Short The White Tiger King。

In the last chapter it was recorded that Zhang Fei was about to end his life with his own weapon in Xuyi。

But Liu Bei rushed forward and caught Zhang Fei in his arms; snatched away the sword; and threw it on the earth; saying; 〃Brothers are as hands and feet; wives and children are as clothing。 You may mend your torn dress; but who can reattach a lost limb? We three; by the Oath of the Peach Garden; swore to seek the same death day。 The city is lost; it is true; and my wives and little ones; but I could not bear that we should die ere our course be run。 Beside; Xuzhou was not really ours; and Lu Bu will not harm my family but will rather seek to preserve them。 You made a mistake; worthy brother; but is it one deserving of death?〃

And Liu Bei wept。 His brothers were much affected and their tears fell in sympathy。

As soon as the news of Lu Bus successful seizure of his protectors region reached Yuan Shu; Yuan Shu sent promises of valuable presents to Lu Bu to induce him to join in a further attack on Liu Bei。 The presents are said to have been fifty thousand carts of grain; five hundred horses; ten thousand ounces of gold and silver; and a thousand rolls of colored silk。

Lu Bu swallowed the bait and ordered Gao Shun to lead forth fifty thousand troops。 But Liu Bei heard of the threatened attack; so he made inclement weather an excuse to moved his few soldiers out of Xuyi for Guangling; before the attacking force came up。

However; Gao Shun demanded the promised reward through Ji Ling; who put Gao Shun off; saying; 〃My lord has gone away。 I will settle this as soon as I can see him and get his decision。〃

With this answer Gao Shun returned to Lu Bu; who could not decide what to do。

Then came a letter from Yuan Shu:

〃Although Gao Shun had gone to attack Liu Bei; yet Liu Bei had not been destroyed; and no reward could be given till he was actually taken。〃

Lu Bu railed at what he called the breach of faith and was inclined to attack Yuan Shu himself。

However; his adviser; Chen Gong; opposed this course; saying; 〃You should not。 Yuan Shu is in possession of Shouchun and has a large army; well supplied。 You are no match for him。 Rather ask Liu Bei to take up his quarters at Xiaopei as one of your wings and; when the time es; let him lead the attack; both south and north。 Then Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao will fall before you; and you will be very powerful。〃

Finding this advice good; Lu Bu sent letters to Liu Bei asking him to return。

After the flight of Liu Bei; Yuan Shu attacked Guangling and reduced Liu Beis force by half。 When the messenger from Lu Bu came; Liu Bei read the letter。 He was quite content with the offer; but his brothers were not inclined to trust Lu Bu。

〃Such a dishonorable man must have a motive;〃 said Guan Yu and Zhang Fei。

〃Since he treats me kindly; I cannot but trust him;〃 replied Liu Bei。

So Liu Bei went back to Xuzhou。 Lu Bu; fearing that Liu Bei might doubt his sincerity; restored Liu Beis family; and when Lady Gan and Lady Mi saw their lord; they told him that they had been kindly treated and guarded by soldiers against any intrusion; and provisions had never been wanting。

〃I knew he would not harm my family;〃 said Liu Bei to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei。

However; Zhang Fei was not pleased and would not acpany his brothers into the city when they went to express their thanks。 He went to escort the two ladies to Xiaopei。

At the interview Lu Bu said; 〃I did not wish to take the city; but your brother behaved very badly; drinking and flogging the soldiers; and I came to guard it lest some evil should befall。〃

〃But I had long wished to yield it to you;〃 said Liu Bei。

Thereupon Lu Bu wished to retire in favor of Liu Bei who; however; would not hear of it。 Liu Bei returned and took up his quarters in Xiaopei; but his two brothers would not take the situation kindly and were very discontented。

Said Liu Bei; 〃One must bow to ones lot。 It is the will of Heaven; and one cannot struggle against fate。〃

Lu Bu sent presents of food and stuffs; and peace reigned between the two houses。

In Shouchun; Yuan Shu prepared a great banquet for his soldiers when it was announced that Sun Ce had subdued Lu Gang; the Governor of Lujiang。 Yuan Shu summoned the victor; who made obeisance at the foot of the hall of audience。 Yuan Shu; sitting in state; asked for details of the campaign and then invited Sun Ce to the banquet。

After the unhappy death of his father Sun Jian; Sun Ce had returned to the lower region of the Great River; where he had devoted himself to peaceful ends; inviting to his side good people and able scholars。 Afterwards; when a quarrel broke out between his mothers brother; Governor Wu Jing of Dangyang; and the late Imperial Protector of Xuzhou; Tao Qian; Sun Ce removed his mother with all the family to Que; he himself taking service under Yuan Shu; who admired and loved him greatly。

〃If I had a son like Sun Ce;〃 said Yuan Shu; 〃I should die without regret。〃

Yuan Shu appointed Sun Ce mander and sent him on various expeditions; all of which were successful。 After this banquet to celebrate the victory over Lu Gang; Sun Ce returned to his camp very bitter over the arrogant and patronizing airs of his patron。 Instead of retiring to his tent; Sun Ce walked up and down by the light of the moon。

〃Here am I; a mere nobody; and yet my father was such a hero!〃

And he cried out and wept in spite of himself。

Then suddenly appeared one who said; laughing loudly; 〃What is this; Sun Ce? While your noble father enjoyed the light of the sun; he made free use of me。 If his son has any difficulty to resolve; why does he not refer it to me also instead of weeping here alone?〃

Looking at the speaker Sun Ce saw it was Zhu Zhi; a native of Dangyang; who had been in Sun Jians service。 Sun Ce then ceased weeping

