
迪文小说>三国演义英文版哪个版本最好 > 第86部分(第2页)


Cai Mao thought this a good device for getting Zhao Yun out of the way。

Now oxen and horses had been slaughtered and a grand banquet prepared。 Liu Bei rode to the residence on the horse of ill omen; and when he arrived; the steed was led into the back part of the enclosure and tethered there。 Soon the guests arrived; and Liu Bei took his place as master of the feast; with the two sons of the Imperial Protector; one on each side。 The guests were all arranged in order of rank。 Zhao Yun stood near his lord sword in hand as a faithful henchman should do。

Then Wen Ping and Wang Wei came to invite Zhao Yun to the banquet they had prepared for the military officers。 But he declined。 However; Liu Bei told him to go; and; after some demur; he went。 Then Cai Mao perfected his final arrangements; placing his people surrounding the place like a ring of iron。 The three hundred guards that formed the escort of Liu Bei were sent away to the guest…house。

All were ready and awaiting the signal。 At the third course; Yi Ji took a goblet of wine in his hands and approached Liu Bei; at the same time giving him a meaningful look。 Then in a low voice he said; 〃Make an excuse to get sway。〃

Liu Bei understood and presently rose and went to the inner chamber; and then he went to the backyard。 There he found Yi Ji; who had gone thither after presenting the cup of wine。

Yi Ji then told him; saying; 〃Cai Mao plots to kill you; and all the roads have been guarded except that to the west。 My lord; you must lose no time to depart。〃

Liu Bei was quite taken aback。 However; he got hold of the Dilu horse; opened the door of the garden; and led it out。 Then he took a flying leap into the saddle and galloped off without waiting for the escort。 He made for the west gate。 At the gate the wardens wanted to question him; but he only whipped up his steed and rode through。 The guards at the gate ran off to report to Cai Mao; who quickly went in pursuit with five hundred soldiers。

As has been said Liu Bei burst out at the west gate。 Before he had gone far; there rolled before him a river barring the way。 It was the Tan Torrent; many score spans in width; which pours its waters into the River Xiang。 Its current was very swift。

Liu Bei reached the bank and saw the river was unfordable。 So he turned his horse and rode back。 Then; not far off; he saw a cloud of dust and knew that his pursuers were therein。 He thought that it was all over。 However; he turned again toward the swift river; and seeing the soldiers now quite near; plunged into the stream。 A few paces; and he felt the horses fore legs floundering in front; while the water rose over the skirt of his robe。

Then he plied the whip furiously; crying; 〃Dilu; Dilu; why betray me?〃

Whereupon the good steed suddenly reared up out of the water and; with one tremendous leap; was on the western bank。 Liu Bei felt as if he had e out of the clouds。

In after years the famous court official; Su Dongpo; wrote a poem on this leap over the Tan Torrent:

Im growing old; the leaves are sere;

My sun slopes westward; soon will sink;

And I recall that yesteryear

I wandered by Tan River brink。

Irresolute; anon I paused;

Anon advanced; and gazed around;

I marked the autumns reddened leaves;

And watched them eddying to the ground。

I thought of all the mighty deeds

Of him who set the House of Han

On high; and all the struggles since;

The battlefields; the blood that ran。

I saw the nobles gathered round

The board; set in the Banquet Hall;

Amid them; one; above whose head

There hung a sword about to fall。

I saw him quit that festive throng

And westward ride; a lonely way;

I saw a squadron follow swift;

Intent the fugitive to slay。

I saw him reach the River Tan;

Whose swirling current rushes by;

Adown the bank he galloped fast;

〃Now leap; my steed!〃 I heard him cry。

His steeds hoofs churn the swollen stream;

What chills he that the waves run high?

