
迪文小说>三国演义英文版免费观看 > 第36部分(第1页)


In Xuzhou; after Liu Bei had started on his expedition; Zhang Fei placed his colleague and helper; Chen Deng; in charge of the administration of the region; keeping military affairs under his own supervision。 After thinking over the matter or some time; he gave a banquet to all the military officers。

When they were all seated; he made a speech: 〃Before my brother left; he bade me keep clear of the wine cup for fear of accidents。 Now; gentlemen; you may drink deep today。 But from tomorrow wine is forbidden; for we must keep the city safe。 So take your fill。〃

And with this he and all his guests rose to drink together。 The wine bearer came to Cao Bao who declined it; saying; 〃I never drink as I am forbidden of heaven。〃

〃What! A fighting man does not drink wine!〃 said the host。 〃I want you to take just one cup。〃

Cao Bao was afraid to offend; so he drank。

Now Zhang Fei drank huge goblets with all his guests on every hand and so swallowed a huge quantity of liquor。 He became quite intoxicated。 Yet he would drink more and insisted on a cup with every guest。 It came to the turn of Cao Bao who declined。

〃Really; I cannot drink;〃 said Cao Bao。

〃You drank just now: Why refuse this time?〃

Zhang Fei pressed him; but still Cao Bao resisted。

Then Zhang Fei in his drunken madness lost control of his temper and said; 〃If you disobey the orders of your general; you shall be beaten one hundred strokes。〃

And he called in his guards。 Here Chen Deng interfered reminding him of the strict injunctions of his brother。

〃You civilians attend to your civil business and leave us alone;〃 said Zhang Fei。

The only way of escape for the guest was to beg remission; and Cao Bao did so; saying; 〃Sir; if you saw my son…in…laws face; you would pardon me。〃

〃Who is your son…in…law?〃

〃Lu Bu。〃

〃I did not mean to have you really beaten; but if you think to frighten me with Lu Bu; I will。 I will beat you as if I was beating him;〃 said Zhang Fei。

The guests interposed to beg him off; but their drunken host was obdurate; and the unhappy guest received fifty blows。 Then at the earnest prayers of the others the remainder of the punishment was remitted。

The banquet came to an end; and the beaten Cao Bao went away burning with resentment。 That night he sent a letter to Xiaopei relating the insults he had received from Zhang Fei。 The letter told Lu Bu of Liu Beis absence and proposed that a sudden raid should be made that very night before Zhang Fei had recovered from his drunken fit。 Lu Bu at once summoned Chen Gong and told him。

〃Xiaopei is only a place to occupy temporarily;〃 said Chen Gong。 〃If you can seize Xuzhou; do so。 It is a good chance。〃

Lu Bu got ready at once and soon on the way with five hundred cavalrymen; ordering Chen Gong and Gao Shun to follow him with the main body。

Xiaopei being only about fifteen miles away; Lu Bu was under the walls at the fourth watch。 It was clear moonlight。 No one on the ramparts saw him。

Lu Bu came up close to the wall and called out; 〃Liu Beis secret messenger has arrived!〃

The guards on the wall were Cao Baos people; and they called him。 Cao Bao came; and when he saw who was there he ordered the gates to be opened。 Lu Bu gave the secret signal; and the soldiers entered shouting。

Zhang Fei was in his apartment sleeping off the fumes of wine。 His servants hastened to arouse him and told him an enemy had got the gates open。

They said; 〃Lu Bu got in; and there is fighting in the city。〃

Zhang Fei savagely got into his armor and laid hold of his mighty serpent halberd。 But as he was mounting his horse at the gate; the attacking soldiers came up。 He rushed at them but being still half intoxicated made but a poor fight。 Lu Bu knowing Zhang Feis prowess did not press him hard; and Zhang Fei made his way; with eighteen leading Guards of Yan; to the east gate; and there went out; leaving Liu Beis family to their fate。

Cao Bao; seeing Zhang Fei had but a very small force and was still half drunk as well; came in pursuit。 Zhang Fei saw who it was and was mad with rage。 He galloped toward Cao Bao and drove him off after a few passes。 He followed Cao Bao to the moat and wounded him in the back。 Cao Baos frightened steed carried its master into the moat; and he was drowned。

Once well outside the city Zhang Fei collected his troops; and they rode off toward the south direction。

Lu Bu having surprised the city set himself to restore order。 He put a guard over the residence of Liu Bei so that no one should disturb the family。

Zhang Fei with his few followers went to his brothers camp at Xuyi and told his story of treachery and surprise。 All were greatly distressed。

〃Success is not worth rejoicing over; failure is not worth grieving over;〃 said Liu Bei with a sigh。

〃Where are our sisters?〃 asked Guan Yu。

〃They shared the fate of the city。〃

Liu Bei nodded his head and was silent。

Guan Yu with an effort controlled his reproaches and said; 〃What did you say when you promised to guard the city; and what orders did our brother give you? Now the city is lost and therewith our sisters…in…law。 Have you done well?〃

Zhang Fei was overwhelmed by remorse。 He drew his sword to kill himself。

He raised the cup in pledge;

None might say nay;

Remorseful; drew the sword;

