
迪文小说>三国演义英文版免费观看 > 第185部分(第1页)


if the enemy came。

〃There is no danger here;〃 said they。 〃The camp is defended by a tenfold line of thorny barriers。 Even a bird could not get in。〃

Guan Ping and Liao Hua mustered all the veterans they had and went away to the first stockade。

Seeing the Wei soldiers camped on a low hill; Guan Ping said to his colleague; 〃Those soldiers are stationed in an unsafe place。 Let us raid their camp tonight。〃

〃You take half the force; General; and I will remain to keep the camp;〃 said Liao Hua。

When night fell; the attacking force went out。 But on reaching the camp not a man opposed them。 The camp was empty。 Then Guan Ping knew he had been deceived; and turned to retreat。 He was at once attacked on two sides by Xu Shang and Lu Qian from left and right。 Unable to stand; his troops ran for the camp。 The soldiers of Wei followed; and presently the camp was surrounded。 They were pelled to abandon the position and set off for Sizhong。 As they drew near they saw torches; and presently knew by the ensigns displayed that the camp had also fallen to the enemy。 Retiring; they hastened along the high road toward Fancheng; but presently their way was barred by a force under Xu Huang himself。 By dint of hard fighting they got away and returned to their main camp; and Guan Ping went to his father。

Said he; 〃Xu Huang has got possession of Yencheng。 Cao Caos main army is on the way in three divisions。 And many say that Jingzhou is in the enemys hands。〃

Guan Yu bade him be silent。

〃This is a fabrication of the enemy;〃 said Guan Yu; 〃but it may dishearten the soldiers。 We know Lu Meng is ill; and they have appointed that impractical fellow Lu Xun to succeed him at Lukou。 There is nothing to fear。〃

Then news came that Xu Huang had arrived。 At once Guan Yu bade them saddle his charger。

〃Father; you are not strong enough to go into the battle;〃 said Guan Ping。

〃Xu Huang and I were once friends; and I know what he can do and not do。 I will give him the chance to retire。 If he does not take it; then I shall just slay him as a warning to the others。〃

Mounting his charger; Guan Yu rode out as impetuously as of yore; and the sight of the old warrior made to quake the hearts of the troops of Wei。

When he came close enough to his enemy; Guan Yu checked his steed and said; 〃Where is my friend Xu Huang?〃

As a reply; the gate of the battle opened; and Xu Huang appeared under the standard。

With a low bow Xu Huang said; 〃Some years have passed since I met you; Most Excellent Marquis; but I had not expected to see you so gray。 I have not forgotten the old brave days; when we were together and you taught me so much; and I am very grateful。 Your new fame has spread throughout the whole empire; and your old friends cannot but praise you。 I am indeed glad that I have the happiness to see you。〃

Guan Yu replied; 〃We have been excellent friends; Xu Huang………better than most。 But why have you pressed my son so hardly of late?〃

Xu Huang suddenly turned to the officers about him and cried fiercely; 〃I would give a thousand ounces of gold for this Guan Yus head。〃

Guan Yu; greatly shocked; said; 〃What did you say that for?〃

〃Because today I am on state business; and I have no inclination to let private friendship override my public duty。〃

As he said this; he whirled his battle…ax and rode at Guan Yu; who; greatly enraged; threw up his great saber to strike。 They fought a half score bouts; but although his skill lacked nothing of its pristine vigor and excelled all the world; the old warriors right arm was still weak from the wound。 Guan Ping saw that his father failed somewhat; and so hastily beat the gong for retreat。 Guan Yu rode back。

Suddenly the noise of a great shouting was heard。 It came from the troops in Fancheng; for Cao Ren; having heard of the arrival of troops of his own side; had made a sortie and was about to attack to help Xu Huang。 His army fell on; and the army of Jingzhou were routed。 Guan Yu; with as many of his officers as could; fled away along the banks of River Xiang; hotly pursued by the army of Wei。 Crossing the river; he made for Xiangyang。

Suddenly the scouts reported: 〃Jingzhou has been taken by Lu Meng。 Your family is now in the hand of enemy。〃

Guan Yu was shocked。 Thence he marched for Gongan。

But the scouts told him: 〃Fu Shiren has yielded Gongan to the hands of Wu。〃

Then some of the men he had dispatched for supplies came in and reported: 〃Fu Shiren murdered the officer and persuade Mi Fang to surrender to Wu。〃

The story filled Guan Yu with boundless rage。 It was too much。 The wound reopened; and he fell in a swoon。

〃Wang Fu; you were right;〃 said he when he recovered consciousness。 〃How I regret that I did not heed what you said!〃

〃But why were the beacon fires not lighted?〃 continued he presently。

Said the scouts; 〃Lu Mengs marines in the guise of traders came over the river。 There were soldiers hidden in the ships; and they seized the beacon guards; so preventing them from kindling the fires。〃

