
迪文小说>穿过美丽时空再相逢 > 第3部分(第2页)


But I wasn’t enjoying anything just then。 I’d had a rough night。 Jana was six weeks old and had been up every few hours。 I; fretful and nervous as only a new mother can be; had been having trouble falling back to sleep between her feedings。 I was cranky and tired; and not feeling cheerful about this motherhood business at all。

Sitting on the glider; we talked—or rather; I talked; letting loose my load of anxiety and frustrations on you。 And out of the blue; you reached over to touch my hair。

“It’s so pretty。” you said; an odd expression on your face。 “The way the sun is hitting it just now。。。 I never noticed you had so many red highlights before。”

A little embarrassed; preoccupied2 with other thoughts and problems; I shrugged off your ment。 I don’t know what I said; something short and dismissive; no doubt; as I waved away the pliment。 But your words affected me。 It had been a long time since someone had seen something truly beautiful in me; and I was pleased。 It has taken me this long to realize that the look you gave me that day is the same look I give her almost daily。 And it makes me wonder: Is it possible that you still see the miracle in me that I see in Jana? Does the magic continue even when your children are grown and gone and parents themselves? Will I look at Jana in thirty years and still feel the same rush of love for her that I do now?

It almost hurts to think of that kind of love。 It’s too vulnerable; too fragile。 I know well the barriers that spring up between parents and their children over the years; the frictions; the misunderstandings; the daily conflicts and struggles; the inevitable pulling away and final break for independence。 I ache to think that someday Jana will grow up and wave away my tentative words of love as I did yours。

What happens to that first strong rush of love? Is it lost somewhere along the way;  buried beneath the routine practicalities of caring for a growing child? Or is it there all along unvoiced and unexpressed; until; perhaps; a new child is born and a mother reaches out to touch her daughter’s hair?

That; it seems to me; is the real miracle: the way a mother’s love is rediscovered;  repeated; passed on again and again—as it has been handed down in our lives from you to me; from me to Jana; and from Jana; perhaps; to her own children。 It is a gift in itself。

I guess what I’ve been meaning to say all along is; thanks; Mom。









我的脑海里又呈现出了我最喜爱的长尾小鹦鹉巴吉。有一次,在您做早餐的时候,它扑进了煎锅。 我不应该把它从笼中放出来,可是我确实这样做了,结果它把自己的脚烧焦了。我觉得您会对我发火,可是您的全部心思都集中在了尽快治好那只可怜的小鸟上。当您询问药剂师哪个品牌的抗生素乳膏可以涂在这只小鹦鹉的脚部时,他认为您疯了。





我想我还是老样子,妈妈,当您的两个外孙女也要挣脱我的束缚时,我也努力这样做了。她们现在都很好,不过她们非常思念您。她们两个在各自的卧室都有一张您的照片。您的5个曾孙们永远也忘不了他们的“弗吉尼亚外婆”。 。。



您的外孙女们拥有您的温柔和刚强。记得有一次,大女儿决定要离家出走。她在晚餐时宣布她要离开这里,去跟住在6个街区之外的祖父母一起生活,理由是我 “太刻薄”了。我想把她锁在房间里,可是您建议说我应该让她自行解决这个问题,还说这会是一次学习的经历。后来,她收拾了一大箱行李,结果仅仅走了3 个街区就累倒在附近的一家面包房?

