netd remember me, speak bravery 追逐梦想吧,勇敢喊出要把我铭记
Because after a11 those ings ap so high 因为翅膀终究会将你拖起 使你节节攀升
so bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you branetd 向森林深情告别吧
Take to the sky 乘风破浪 冲上云宵
u take to the sky 飞向高空
on the hi11s of 1ore and onder 掠过充满神奇和传说的山峰
Theres a stormy or1d up there 高空中遭遇到狂风暴雨
you nett hisper above the thunder 雷声淹没了你的低语
But you netyhere 但是你可以自由翱翔
purp1e burst of paper birds this 紫色的千纸鹤撒满了整个天空
pinetd ords 将这种景象绘成千言万语
so take a breath of mist and mystery 从迷雾中回到现实中来吧
and dont 1ook back! 飞翔吧,不要回头!
Birdseye vie, aake the stars cause theyre a11 around you
ide eyes i11 a1ays brighten the b1ue 天空中到处都是蓝色 让你目不遐接
netd remember me, speak bravery追逐梦想吧,勇敢喊出要把我铭记
Because after a11 those ings ap so high 因为翅膀终究会将你拖起 使你节节攀升
so bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you branetd 向森林深情告别吧
Take to the sky 乘风破浪 冲上云宵
Theres a rea1m above the trees 树林上方有一个王国
here the 1ost are fina11y found 这里到处都是迷失的人们
Touch your feathers to the breeze 让微风梳理你们的羽毛
and 1eave the ground 离去吧
Birdseye vie, aake the stars cause theyre a11 around you
ide eyes i11 a1ays brighten the b1ue空中到处都是蓝色 让你目不遐接
netd remember me, speak bravery追逐梦想吧,勇敢喊出要把我铭记
Because after a11 those ings ap so high因为翅膀终究会将你拖起 使你节节攀升
so bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you branetd 向森林深情告别吧
Take to the sky 乘风破浪 冲上云宵
u take to the sky 冲上云宵
u take to the sky 冲上云宵
u take to the sky 冲上云宵