
迪文小说>托福阅读例文 > 第4部分(第2页)


搭配 continental drift 大陆漂移

例句 1。 After analyzing the sediments of marine; geologists learned that there were many shorter and regular cycles of glaciation and deglaciation than they had learned from the glacial drift of the continents alone。 经过分析海洋沉淀物质之后,地质学家们认识到与他们单独从大陆冰川漂移中得知的相比,还有更多更短的周期性的冰川形成和消失。

2。 Wind studies and puter simulations suggest that drifting canoes would have been the most impossible measures of crossing the ocean。 关于风力的研究以及计算机模拟实验显示,漂流独木舟最不可能是横渡海洋的工具。

3。 This kind of drift wood could have been drifting in the ocean currents for months or even years。 这种漂流木可能已经在海中漂流了数月,甚至数年之久。

要点 我们平时经常会碰到drift作动词的用法,但在托福阅读中出现了drift作名词的用法“漂流物;吹积物”。

droplet[drɑ:pl?t]n。 小滴;飞沫

搭配 droplet transmission 飞沫传播

例句 1。 As muddy sediments are pressed together; the gas and small oil droplets may be squeezed out of the mud; and may move into sandy layers nearby。 当泥泞的沉淀物被挤压在一起时,气体和小油滴也许会被挤出泥土之外,并渗入到附近的沙层当中。

2。 These millimeter…sized; melted silicate material droplets were cooled into spheres of glass and crystal。 这些只有几毫米大的融化硅酸盐液滴经冷却成为了玻璃或水晶球体。

elevation[?elivei?n]n。 提高;高度,海拔

例句 1。 With the increase of elevation; narrow and deep channels of water form throughout the marsh。 随着海拔增高而形成的窄而深的水槽遍布整个湿地。

2。 The elevation in the northern peninsula is sufficiently low for the ancient Maya to reach the water table at deep sinkholes; or at deep caves。 半岛北部的海拔足够低,这使古玛雅人可以在污水深坑或深洞里接触到地下水位。

同义 altitude(n。 海拔)

emerge[im?:r?]v。 显露,暴露;(从水中)出来

例句 1。 The cinema didnt emerge as a form of mass consumption at first until the technology enabled to project images on a screen in a darkened theater。 最初,电影院并没有作为一种大众消费形式出现,直到技术可以实现将图像投映到黑暗的剧院的银幕上。

2。 In recent years; some talented artists emerged as leading figures in this field。 近些年,一些有才华的艺术家作为业界领军人物出现。

engulf[ing?lf]v。 吞没

例句 1。 When a glacier moves; the rock formations behind have been engulfed; pushed; and dragged by it。 当冰川移动时,后面的岩层将被它吞没、挤压或拖拽。

2。 Sometimes animals and plants would be preserved if they were immersed in tar or quicksand; trapped in ice; or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash。 有时,动物和植物在浸入柏油或流沙、陷入冰中或是被急速倾泻而下的火山灰淹没之后得以保存下来。

同义 merge(v。 吞没)

equator[ikweit?r]n。 赤道

例句 They could trace the growth and shrinkage of the continental glaciers; even in parts of ocean where there may have been little change in temperature; for example; around the equator。 他们可以追踪大陆冰川的增大或缩小,甚至在那些海洋中气温变化较弱的地方也是如此,比如赤道周围。

equatorial[?ekw?t?:ri?l]a。 赤道的,赤道附近的

搭配 equatorial plane 赤道平面

例句 Properly speaking; pineapples grow in high…rainfall equatorial areas where the climate is wet or humid all year round。 确切地说,菠萝生长在雨水充沛的赤道附近地区,那里的气候常年湿润。

erode[iroud]v。 侵蚀,腐蚀;变坏;削弱

例句 1。 The melting ice erodes the soil around it。 融化的冰开始侵蚀周围的土壤。

2。 A new route became especially necessary if the European seafarers wanted to avoid Middle Eastern states whose central power had begun to erode。 如果欧洲的航海家想要避开那些中心力量已开始削弱的中东国家,开辟一条新的航行线路就尤为重要。

同义 corrode(v。 侵蚀,腐蚀)

要点 erode这个词不但可以在地质学方面表示“腐蚀,侵蚀”,也可以用其比喻意,表示“变坏;削弱”,比如“使货币贬值”就可以说成erode the value of money。

erosion[irou?n]n。 腐蚀,侵蚀;减少

搭配 swale erosion 洼地侵蚀;soil erosion 土壤侵蚀;the erosion of coastal area 沿海地区的减少

例句 1。 In this diverse region; sign of glacial erosion and sedimentation can be seen。 在这个多样化的地区,人们可以看到冰川侵蚀和沉积的迹象。

