
迪文小说>托福阅读例文 > 第32部分(第1页)



terrace[ter?s]n。 排屋;露天阶梯看台;梯田

例句 In the thirteenth century; some scholars thought strongly that the construction of small dams; reservoirs; terraces and field houses had no relation to the growth in the number of people。 在13世纪,很多学者强烈地认为小型水坝、水库、梯田以及储藏室的建造与人口数量的增长无关。

textile[tekstail]n。 纺织品

例句 1。 The disadvantage of waterpower is that streams do not always flow in places that are suitable to build factories; which explains why so many water…powered grain and textile mills were located in undesirable places。 水力有这样的缺点,不是所有的溪流都会流入适合建造工厂的地点,这就解释了为何许多依靠水力的谷物磨坊和纺织厂都位于不理想的位置。

2。 At that time; the European textile industrys demand for American export products had been increased。 那时,欧洲纺织业对美国出口产品的需求有所增加。

同义 fabric(n。 织物)

tolerate[tɑ:l?reit]v。 忍受;容许;承认

例句 1。 Perhaps the reason of the extinction of dinosaurs was that they could not tolerate the extreme temperature changes。 或许恐龙灭绝的原因是它们无法忍受气候的急剧变化。

2。 The plex climax munities like temperate forest will tolerate considerable damage from weather to pests。 像温带森林这样复杂的顶级群落可以忍受从气候到虫害等强度较大的损害。

3。 The so…called serpentine soils are deficient in calcium; and only plants able to tolerate the insufficiency of this mineral can survive here。 所谓的蛇纹岩土缺乏钙质,只有能够忍受这种物质匮乏的植物才能在此生存。

同义 endure; withstand(v。 忍受;容许)

trail[treil]n。 痕迹;小路 v。 跟踪;拉;蔓延

例句 The patterns of these ceramics were outlined in a raised trail of slip; as well as the many burial ceramics produced in imitation of vessels made in materials of higher intrinsic value。 这些陶器上的图案是在有浮雕痕迹的纸片上勾勒出来的,就像许多用于丧葬的陶器是模仿其他用更好材质制成的容器制作的。

turnpike[t?:rnpaik]n。 收费公路;收税关卡

例句 1。 The first step to improve western transportation was to set up turnpikes。 改善西方交通系统的第一步就是设立收税关卡。

2。 These turnpike roads were very slow and too costly for some people to travel on them。 这些收费公路不仅行驶缓慢,而且对一些人来说花费太高。

unanticipated[??n?ntisipeitid]a。 意料之外的

例句 With the rapid technical development of photography; the introduction of lighter and simpler equipment and new emulsions that coated photographic plates; film; and paper; images can be made at unanticipated speed。 随着摄影技术的迅速发展,以及更轻薄、更简单的设备的引进,还有新的可以涂在摄影底片、胶卷和相纸上的感光乳剂,图片可以以意想不到的速度制作出来。

urban[?:rb?n]a。 城市的,市内的

例句 1。 Trade was the mainstay of the urban economy in the Middle East as caravans negotiated in the surrounding desert; and it was only restricted by mountain ranges and the access to water。 贸易是中东城市经济体的主要部分,大篷车在周围的沙漠地区进行谈判,而唯一的障碍不过是山峰及通往水路的道路。

2。 In recent years; the urban population decreased rapidly。 在最近几年,城市人口迅速减少。

utilize[ju:t?laiz]v。 利用

例句 1。 The introduction of new screen was delayed for a quarter century; and color also did not bee a norm until the 1950s; though utilized over the next two decades for special productions。 新型屏幕的引进被推迟了25年,而色彩虽然在接下来的20年中被用于特殊的产品,但直到20世纪50年代才成为一种标准。

2。 Scientists are planning to utilize a green and environmentally…friendly alternative to diesel; for example biofuel。 科学家希望利用一种绿色环保的能源以替代柴油,比如生物燃料。

要点 短语make use of与utilize的含义相同,都表示“利用”。

valuable[v?lju?bl]a。 贵重的;有价值的 n。[常 pl。]贵重物品

例句 1。 The acacia trees are a valuable source that provides nutrition for the ants。 金合欢树是一种有价值的资源,可以为蚂蚁提供营养。

