
迪文小说>三国演义英文版音频盘 > 第27部分(第2页)


When Liu Bei and his brothers took up their abode in Xiaopei; they first repaired the defenses; and then they put out proclamations in order to calm the inhabitants。

In the meantime Cao Cao had marched toward his own region。

Cao Ren met and told him; 〃Lu Bu is very powerful; and he has Chen Gong as adviser。 Yanzhou is as good as lost; with the exception of three counties which have been vigorously and desperately defended by Xun Yu and Cheng Yu。〃

Cao Cao said; 〃I own that Lu Bu is a bold fighter but nothing more; he has no craft。 So we need not fear him seriously。〃

Then he gave orders to make a strong camp till they could think out some victorious plan。

Lu Bu; knowing of Cao Caos return; called two of his subordinate generals; Xue Lan and Li Fang; to him and assigned to them the task of holding the city of Yanzhou; saying; 〃I have long waited for opportunity to employ your skill。 Now I give you ten thousand soldiers; and you are to hold the city while I go forth to attack Cao Cao。〃

They accepted。

But Chen Gong; the strategist; came in hastily; saying; 〃General; you are going away; whither?〃

〃I am going to camp my troops at Puyang; that vantage point。〃

〃You are making a mistake;〃 said Chen Gong。 〃The two you have chosen to defend this city are unequal to the task。 For this expedition remember that about sixty miles due south; on the treacherous road to the Taishan Mountains; is a very advantageous position where you should place your best men in ambush。 Cao Cao will hasten homeward by double marches when he hears what has happened。 If you strike when half his troops have gone past this point; you may seize him。〃

Said Lu Bu; 〃I am going to occupy Puyang and see what develops。 How can you guess my big plan?〃

So Lu Bu left Xue Lan in mand at Yanzhou and went away。

Now when Cao Cao approached the dangerous part of the road near the Taishan Mountains; Guo Jia warned him to take care as there was doubtless an ambush。

But Cao Cao laughed; saying; 〃We know all Lu Bus dispositions。 Xue Lan is keeping the city。 Do you think Lu Bu has laid an ambush? I shall tell Cao Ren to besiege Yanzhou; and I shall go to Puyang。〃

In Puyang; when Chen Gong heard of the enemys approach; he spoke; saying; 〃The enemy will be fatigued with long marches; so attack quickly before they have time to recover。〃

Lu Bu replied; 〃I; a single horseman; am afraid of none。 I e and go as I will。 Think you I fear this Cao Cao? Let him settle his camp; I will take him after that。〃

Now Cao Cao neared Puyang; and he made a camp。 The next day he led out his manders; and they arrayed their armies in open country。 Cao Cao took up his station on horseback between the two standards; watching while his opponents arrived and formed up in a circular area。

Lu Bu was in front; followed by eight of his generals; all strong men: Zhang Liao of Mayi; backed by Hao Meng; Cao Xing; and Cheng Lian; Zang Ba of Huaying; backed by Wei Xu; Song Xian; and Hou Cheng。 They led an army of fifty thousand in total。

The drums began their thunderous roll; and Cao Cao; pointing to his opponent; said; 〃You and I had no quarrel; why then did you invade my land?〃

〃The empire of Han is the possession of all。 What is your special claim?〃 said Lu Bu。

So saying; Lu Bu ordered Zang Ba to ride forth and challenge。 From Cao Caos side the challenge was accepted by Yue Jing。 The two steeds approached each other; two spears were lifted both together; and they exchanged near thirty blows with no advantage to either。 Then Xiahou Dun rode out to help his colleague and; in reply; out went Zhang Liao from Lu Bus side。 And they four fought。

Then fierce anger seized upon Lu Bu。 Setting his trident halberd; he urged his Red Hare forward to where the fight was waging。 Seeing him approach; Xiahou Dun and Yue Jing both fled; but Lu Bu pressed on after them; and Cao Caos army lost the day。 Retiring ten miles; they made a new camp。 Lu Bu called in and mustered his troops。

The day having gone against him; Cao Cao called a council; and Yu Jin said; 〃From the hill tops today I saw a camp of our enemies on the west of Puyang。 They were but few men therein; and tonight after todays victory; it will not be defended。 Let us attack; and if we can take the camp; we shall strike fear into the heart of Lu Bu。 This is our best plan。〃

Cao Cao thought so too。 He and six of his generals………Cao Hong; Li Dian; Mao Jie; Lu Qian; Yu Jin; and Dian Wei………and twenty thousand horse and foot left that night by a secret road for the camp。

In his camp Lu Bu was rejoicing for that days victory; when Chen Gong reminded him; saying; 〃The western camp is importance point; and it might be attacked。〃

But Lu Bu replied; 〃The enemy will not dare approach after todays defeat。〃

〃Cao Cao is a very able mander;〃 replied Chen Gong。 〃You must keep a good lookout for him lest he attack our weak spot。〃

So arrangements were made for defense。 Generals Gao Shun; Wei Xu; and Hou Cheng were ordered to march there。

At dusk Cao Cao reached the camp and began an imme

