; I am to go to aid him。 You are to guard our camp; which is in a dangerous place by the river; but you are not to move out unless pelled。〃
Huang Zhong went back to his camp and said to his general; Zhang Zhu; 〃I have slain Xiahou Yuan and cowed Zhang He。 I am going to destroy the enemys store of grain tomorrow; taking with me most of the troops。 You are to e and assist me。 A meal for the men is to be ready about midnight tonight; and we shall move at the fourth watch。 We shall march to the foot of their hill; capture Zhang He; and then start the fire。〃
All being ready; they set out………Huang Zhong leading………and stole across River Han to the foot of the hills。 As the sun got up out of the east; they saw before them mountains of grain and only a few guards on watch。 These fled at first sight of the army of Shu。 The horsemen dismounted and began to collect brushwood and pile it round the grain heaps。 Just as they were starting the fire; there appeared a cohort led by Zhang He; who at once began a fight with Huang Zhong。 Then Cao Cao heard of the fight and sent Xu Huang to help。 Xu Huang came up in the rear; and Huang Zhong was surrounded。 Zhang Zhu with three thousand troops tried to get away to their camp; but they were intercepted by Wen Ping; and more troops of Wei ing up by the rear; Zhang Zhu also was surrounded。 Both were in difficulties。
Meanwhile; time passed and noon came with no news of Huang Zhong。 Wherefore Zhao Yun girded on his armor; took three thousand troops with him and went to his aid。 Just as he was leaving; he again warned Zhang Yi to keep good watch。
〃Guard the camp most carefully。 See that you have archers and crossbowmen on both sides。〃
〃Yes; yes;〃 said Zhang Yi。
Zhao Yun rode off; spear in hand; and went out to give battle where he could find the enemy。 Soon he fell in with one of Wen Pings panies led by General Murong Lie。 Zhao Yun plunged in; cut Murong Lie down; and disposed of the troops of Wei。 Then he came to the real press。 A cohort barred his way; led by General Jiao Bing。
〃Where are the soldiers of Shu?〃 cried Zhao Yun。
〃All killed!〃 cried Jiao Bing。
Zhao Yun angrily dashed forward and thrust Jiao Bing through so that he died。 The cohort scattered; and Zhao Yun went on to the foot of Northern Mountain; where he found Huang Zhong surrounded。 With a yell Zhao Yun dashed at the encircling ring; thrusting this way and shoving that; so that everyone shrank and recoiled before him。 The mighty spear laid low his opponents like the whirlwind scatters the petals of the wild pear tree till they lie on the bosom of the earth like snowflakes。 Panic seized Zhang He and Xu Huang so that they dared not stand in his way; and thus Zhao Yun fought his way through and rescued his fellow warrior。 Then they fought their way out and none could withstand them。
Cao Cao had been watching the course of the fighting from a high place; and when he saw a doughty warrior forcing his way into the press and all going down before him; he asked of his officers if they knew who the leader was。
〃That is Zhao Yun of Changshan;〃 replied one who knew。
〃So the hero of Dangyang is still alive;〃 said Cao Cao; marveled。
Then Cao Cao gave general orders to his soldiers not to attack Zhao Yun without being sure of success; no matter where they met him。
Having rescued his colleague and got clear of the battle; Zhao Yun was told Zhang Zhu hemmed in on a hill not far off。 Wherefore Zhao Yun went to his relief before going back to his own camp。 He had little need to fight; for Cao Caos soldiers no sooner saw the name emblazoned on the banners than they fled without more ado。
But it filled Cao Cao with rage to see his troops falling away before Zhao Yun; who marched on as though no one would think of standing in his way; and Cao Cao went in pursuit himself with his officers。
Zhao Yun reached his own camp; where he was weled by Zhang Yi。 But a cloud of dust was seen in the distance; and they knew Cao Cao was in that cloud and ing upon them。
〃Let us bar the gates while we make preparation;〃 said Zhang Yi。
〃Do not bar the gates;〃 said Zhao Yun。 〃Have you never heard of my exploit at Dangyang; when I laughed at Cao Caos many legions? Now that I have an army at my back and generals to help; what is there to fear?〃
Then Zhao Yun placed the archers and the bowmen in a covered position outside; while he threw down all the weapons and flags within。 And no drums beat。 But he himself; alone; stood outside the gate of the camp。
It was dusk when Zhang He and Xu Huang neared the camp of the army of Shu。 They saw that the ensigns and weapons had been overthrown; and no drums beat at their approach。 They also saw the one figure of the doughty warrior at the gate; and then they halted and dared advance no farther。 While they hesitated; Cao Cao arrived and urged his army to march quicker。 They answered with a shout and made a dash forward; but they saw the one figure at the gate; and every man halted。 And before long; one by one they turned about and went away。
Then Zhao Yun gave a signal to his troops to e out of the moat; and the archers and bowmen began to shoot。 The soldiers of Cao Cao knew not in the dusk how many their enemies were; but terror seized upon them and they ran; each trying to be first。 And as they ran; the drums rolled; and the soldiers of Shu shouted and pursued; till the flight became a perfect rout and a confused mass of troops reached the banks of River Han。 The press continuing; many soldiers of Cao Cao were forced into the river and were drowned。
Zhao Yun; Huang Zhong; and Zhang Zhu followed close on the heels of the routed army。 While Cao Cao was making off with all speed; two other generals of Shu; Liu Feng and Meng Da; came from Micang Mountain and set fire to all the army stores of food and forage in Northern Mountain。 Then Cao Cao abandoned the stores in Northern Mountain and set out hastily for Nanzheng。 Zhang He and Xu Huang could make no stand; and they also abandoned their camps; which Zhao Yun at once occupied。 Beside the stores of food; the victors collected countless weapons along the banks of the river。
They sent news of the victory to Liu Bei; who came with Zhuge Liang to the scene of the victory; and there they heard the full story of Zhao Yuns prowess。 Liu Bei was very glad; and when he had seen the steepness and difficulties of the surrounding hills; he understood the fine deeds of valor that had been done。
Turning to Zhuge Liang; Liu Bei said; 〃Truly; the man is brave all through!〃
Behold Zhao Yun of Changshan;
Whose whole body is valor;
Formerly he fought at Dangyang;
And his courage today is no less。
He rushes into the array to manifest heroism;
Surrounded by his enemies;
He is dauntless and daring。
Devils howl and spirits cry;
The sky is afraid and earth trembles。
Such is Zhao Yun; the brave;