
迪文小说>高山上的雪山简谱 > 第15部分(第1页)


here was another woman; whom he took to be thatwife of his father’s; called Deborah—who had; as he had once believed; so much to tell him。 Butshe; alone; of all that pany; looked at him and signified that there was no speech in the grave。

He was a stranger there—they did not see him pass; they did not know what he was looking for;they could not help him search。 He wanted to find Elisha; who knew; perhaps; who would help him—but Elisha was not there。 There was Roy: Roy also might have helped him; but he had beenstabbed with a knife; and lay now; brown and silent; at his father’s feet。

Then there began to flood John’s soul the waters of despair。 Love is as strong as death; asdeep as the grave。 But love; which had; perhaps; like a benevolent monarch; swelled thepopulation of his neighboring kingdom; Death; had not himself descended: they owed him noallegiance here。 Here there was no speech or language; and there was no love; no one to say: Youare beautiful; John; no one to forgive him; no matter what his sin; no one to heal him; and lift himup。 No one: father and mother looked backward; Roy was bloody; Elisha was not here。

Then the darkness began to murmur—a terrible sound—and John’s ears trembled。 In thismurmur that filled the grave; like a thousand wings beating on the air; he recognized a sound thathe had always heard。 He began; for terror; to weep and moan—and this sound was swallowed up;and yet was magnified by the echoes that filled the darkness。

This sound had filled John’s life; so it now seemed; from the moment he had first drawnbreath。 He had heard it everywhere; in prayer and in daily speech; and wherever the saints weregathered; and in the unbelieving streets。 It was in his father’s anger; and in his mother’s calminsistence; and in the vehement mockery of his aunt; it had rung; so oddly; in Roy’s voice thisafternoon; and when Elisha played the piano it was there; it was in the beat and jangle of SisterMcCandless’s tambourine; it was in the very cadence of her testimony; and invested that testimonywith a matchless; unimpeachable authority。 Yes; he had heard it all his life; but it was only nowthat his ears were open to this sound that came from darkness; that could only e from darkness;that yet bore such sure witness to the glory of the light。 And now in this moaning; and so far fromany help; he heard it in himself—it rose from his bleeding; his cracked open heart。 It was a soundof rage and weeping which filled the grave; rage and weeping from time set free; but bound now iernity; rage that had no language; weeping with no voice—which yet spoke now; to John’sstartled soul; of boundless melancholy; of the bitterest patience; and the longest night; of thedeepest water; the strongest chains; the most cruel lash; of humility most wretched; the dungeonmost absolute; of love’s bed defiled; and birth dishonored; and most bloody; unspeakable; suddendeath。 Yes; the darkness hummed with murder: the body in the water; the body in the fire; the bodyon the tree。 John looked down the line of these armies of darkness; army upon army; and his soulwhispered: Who are these? Who are they? And wondered: Where shall I go?

There was no answer。 There was no help or healing in the grave; no answer in the darkness;no speech from all that pany。 They looked backward。 And John looked back; seeing nodeliverance。

I; John saw the future; way up in the middle of the air。

Were the lash; the dungeon; and the night for him? And the sea for him? And the grave forhim?

I; John saw a number; way in the middle of the air。

And he struggled to flee—out of this darkness; out of this pany—into the land of theliving; so high; so far away。 Fear was upon him; a more deadly fear than he had ever known; as heturned and turned in the darkness; as he moaned; and stumbled; and crawled through darkness;finding no hand; no voice; finding no door。 Who are these? Who are they? They were the despisedand rejected; the wretched and the spat upon; the earth’s offscouring; and he was in their pany;and they would swallow up his soul。 The stripes they had endured would scar his back; their punishment would be his; their portion his; his their humiliation; anguish; chains; their dungeonhis; their death his。 Thrice was I beaten with rods; once I was stoned; thrice I suffered shipwreck; anight and a day I have been in the deep。

And their dread testimony would be his!

In journeying often; in perils of waters; inn perils of robbers; in perils by mine owncountrymen; in perils by the heathen; in perils in the city; in perils in the wilderness; in perils inthe sea; in perils among false brethren。

And their desolation; his:

In weariness and painfulness; in watching often; in hunger and thirst; in fasting often; incold and nakedness。

And he began to shout for help; seeing before him the lash; the fire; and the depthlesswater; seeing his head bowed down for ever; he; John; the lowest among these lowly。 And helooked for his mother; but her eyes were fixed on this dark army—she was claimed by this army。

And his father would not help him; his father did not see him; and Roy lay dead。

Then he whispered; not knowing that he whispered: ‘Oh; Lord; have mercy on me。 Havemercy on me。’

And a voice; for the first time in all his terrible journey; spoke to John; through he rage andweeping; and fire; and darkness; and flood:

‘Yes;’ said the voice; ‘go through。 Go through。’

‘Lift me up;’ whispered John; ‘lift me up。 I can’t go through。’

‘Go through;’ said the voice; ‘go through。’

Then there was silence。 The murmuring ceased。 There was only this trebling beneath him。

And he knew there was a light somewhere。

‘Go through。’

