
迪文小说>我的名字叫红原文是英文吗 > 第42部分(第2页)


together。  Rain;  leaky  roofs;  floods  and  dirt  will  ruin  our  books。  Of  course;

together   with   the   tattered;   faded   and   unreadable   pages;   which   water;

humidity; bugs and neglect will have reduced to pulp; the one last volume to

emerge  intact;  like  a  miracle;  from  the  bottom  of  a  bone…dry  chest  will  also

one  day  disappear;  swallowed  up  in  the  flames  of  a  merciless  fire。  Is  there  a

neighborhood in Istanbul that hasn’t been burned to the ground at least once

every twenty years that we might expect such a book to survive? In this city;

where  every  three  years  more  books  and  libraries  disappear  than  those  the

Mongols  burned  and  plundered  in  Baghdad;  what  painter  could  possibly

imagine that his masterpiece might last more than a century; or that one day

his pictures might be seen; and he revered like Bihzad? Not only our own art;

but every single work made in this world over the years will vanish in fires; be

destroyed by worms or be lost out of neglect: Shirin proudly watching Hüsrev

from  a  window;  Hüsrev  delightfully  spying  on  Shirin  as  she  bathes  by

moonlight;  lovers  gazing  at  each  other  with  grace  and  subtlety;  Rüstem’s

wrestling a white demon to death at the bottom of a well; the anguished state


of  a  lovelorn  Mejnun  befriending  a  white  tiger  and  a  mountain  goat  in  the

desert;  the  capture  and  hanging  of  a  deceitful  shepherd  dog  who  presents  a

sheep  from  his  flock  to  the  she…wolf  he  mates  with  each  night;  the  flower;

angel; leafy twig; bird and teardrop border illuminations; the lute players that

embellish Hafiz’s enigmatic poems; the wall ornamentations that have ruined

the  eyes  of  thousands;  nay  tens  of  thousands  of  miniaturist  apprentices;  the

small  plaques  hung  above  doors  and  on  walls;  the  couplets  secretly  written

between the embedded borders of illustrations; the humble signatures hidden

at the bases of walls; in corners; in facade embellishments; under the soles of

feet; beneath shrubbery and between rocks; the flower…covered quilts covering

lovers;   the   severed   infidel   heads   patiently   awaiting   Our   Sultan’s   late

grandfather  as  he  victoriously  marches  upon  an  enemy  fortress;  the  cannon;

guns and tents that even in your youth you helped illustrate and that appeared

in  the  background  as  the  ambassador  of  the  infidels  kissed  the  feet  of  Our

Sultan’s  great…grandfather;  the  devils;  with  and  without  horns;  with  and

without  tails;  with  pointed  teeth  and  with  pointed  nails;  the  thousands  of

varieties of birds including Solomon’s wise hoopoe; the jumping swallow; the

dodo  and  the  singing  nightingale;  the  serene  cats  and  restless  dogs;  fast…

moving clouds; the small charming blades of grass reproduced in thousands of

