
迪文小说>我的名字叫红原文是英文吗 > 第94部分(第3页)


watched  (with  pleasure  because  it  wasn’t  our  fault)  the  slow  spread  of  a

deadly  red  seeping  from  a  bronze  inkpot  that  had  cracked  over  a  page  three

illuminators had labored on for three months (it depicted the Ottoman army


on the banks of the K?n?k River en route to Shirvan; overing the threat of

starvation  by  occupying  Eresh  and  filling  their  stomachs)。  In  a  refined  and

respectful manner; we talked about how the three of us together made love to

and together fell in love with a Circasian lady; the most beautiful of the wives

of a seventy…year…old pasha who—in consideration of his conquests; strength

and wealth—wanted ceiling ornamentation in his home made in imitation of

the designs in Our Sultan’s hunting lodge。 Then; we longingly recalled how on

winter  mornings  we  would  have  our  lentil  soup  on  the  threshold  of  the

yawning door so its steam wouldn’t soften the paper。 We also lamented being

separated from workshop friends and masters when the latter pelled us to

travel to distant places to serve as journeymen。 For a time; the sweetness of

my  dear  Butterfly  in  his  sixteenth  year  appeared  before  my  eyes:  He  was

burnishing paper to a high gloss by rubbing it quickly with a smooth seashell

as the sunlight; ing through an open window on a summer’s day; struck

his naked honey…colored forearms。 For a moment he stopped what he was so

absentmindedly doing and carefully lowered his face to the page to examine a

blemish。  After  making  a  few  passes  over  the  offending  spot  with  the

burnishing  shell  using  different  motions;  he  returned  to  his  former  pattern;

moving  his  hand  back  and  forth  as  he  stared  out  of  the  window  into  the

distance; losing himself in daydreams。 I shall never forget how before looking

outside  again;  he  briefly  gazed  into  my  eyes—as  I  would  later  do  to  others。

This  dolorous  look  has  only  one  meaning;  which  all  apprentices  know  quite

well: Time doesn’t flow if you don’t dream。



You’d  forgotten  about  me;  hadn’t  you?  Why  should  I  conceal  my  presence

from  you  any  longer?  For  speaking  in  this  voice;  which  is  gradually  getting

stronger  and  stronger;  has  bee  irresistible  for  me。  At  times;  I  restrain

myself only with great effort; and I’m afraid that the strain in my voice will

give me away。 At times; I let myself go pletely unchecked; and that’s when

those  words;  signs  of  my  second  character;  which  you  might  recognize;  spill

from  my  lips;  my  hands  begin  to  tremble;  beads  of  sweat  collect  on  my

forehead  and  I  realize  at  once  that  these  little  whispers  of  my  body;  in  turn;

will furnish new clues。

