
迪文小说>我的名字叫红百度百科 > 第30部分(第4页)


gazed  at  him  with  affection  from  behind  the  courtyard  gate  for  a  moment

before closing it。

Even my mind; which had given itself over to idiotic fantasies; quickly; and

painfully; drew three conclusions based on what I had seen:

One:  Since  Black  was  cheaper  and  less  dangerous;  Enishte  Effendi  would

have him plete our book。

Two: The beautiful Shekure would marry Black。

Three: What the unfortunate Elegant Effendi had said was true; and so; I’d

killed him for naught。

In situations such as this; as soon as our merciless intellects draw the bitter

conclusion that our hearts refuse; the entire body rebels against the mind。 At

first;  half  my  mind  violently  opposed  the  third  conclusion;  which  indicated

that  I  was  nothing  but  the  vilest  of  murderers。  My  legs;  once  again;  acting

quicker and more rationally than my head; had already put me in pursuit of

Black Effendi。

We’d  passed  down  a  few  side  streets  when  I  thought  how  very  easy  it

would be to murder him; so contentedly and self…assuredly walking before me;

and how such a crime would save me from having to confront the first two

vexing  conclusions  established  by  my  mind。  Furthermore;  I  wouldn’t  have

cracked Elegant Effendi’s skull for no reason at all。 Now; if I run ahead eight or

ten paces; catch up to Black and land a blow onto his head with all my might;

everything  will  go  on  as  usual。  Enishte  Effendi  will  invite  me  to  finish  our

book。  But  meanwhile  my  more  honest  (what  was  honesty  if  not  fear?)  and

prudent side continued to tell me that the monster I’d murdered and tossed

into a well was truly a slanderer。 And if this were the case; I hadn’t killed him

for naught; and Enishte; who no longer had anything to hide with respect to

the book he was making; would most certainly invite me back to his home。


As  I  watched  Black  walking  before  me;  however;  I  knew  with  utmost

certainty that none of this would happen。 It was all illusion。 Black Effendi was

more real than I。 It happens to us all: In reaction to being overly logical we’ll

feed fantasies for weeks and years on end; and one day we’ll see something; a

face; an outfit; a happy person; and suddenly realize that our dreams will never

e  true;  thus;  we  e  to  understand  that  a  particular  maiden  won’t  be

permitted to marry us or that we’ll never reach such…and…such a station in life。

I  was  watching  the  rise  and  fall  of  Black’s  s

