
迪文小说>我的名字叫红百度百科 > 第43部分(第3页)


As I grew more confused; the angel bathed in light approached as if ing

to  my  aid;  and  yes;  just  as  Gazzali  had  stated  in  Pearls  of  Magnificence;  he

sweetly said:

“Open your mouth so that your soul might leave。”

“Nothing but the besmele prayer ever leaves my mouth;” I answered him。

This was just one last excuse however。 I knew I could no longer resist; that

my time had now e。 For a moment I was embarrassed at having to leave

my  bloodied  and  ugly  body  in  this  miserable  condition  for  my  daughter;

whom  I’d  never  see  again。  But  I  wanted  to  leave  this  world;  shedding  it  like

some tight…fitting garment that pinched。

I opened my mouth and abruptly all was color just as in the pictures of Our

Prophet’s  Miraj  journey;  during  which  he  visited  Heaven。  Everything  was

flooded in exquisite brightness as if generously painted with gold wash。 Painful

tears  flowed  from  my  eyes。  A  strained  exhalation  passed  from  my  lungs

through my mouth。 All was subsumed in wondrous silence。

I could see now that my soul had left my body and that I was cupped in

Azrael’s hand。 My soul; the size of a bee; was bathed in light; and it shuddered

as it left my body and continued to tremble like mercury in Azrael’s palm。 My

thoughts were not of this; however; but of the unfamiliar new world I’d just

been born into。


After so much suffering; a calm overcame me。 Death did not cause me the

pain  I’d  feared;  on  the  contrary;  I  relaxed;  quickly  realizing  that  my  present

situation  was  a  permanent  one;  whereas  the  constraints  I’d  felt  in  life  were

only  temporary。  This  was  how  it  would  be  from  now  on;  for  century  upon

century; until the end of the universe。 This neither upset nor gladdened me。

Events I’d once endured briskly and sequentially were now spread over infinite

space  and  existed  simultaneously。  As  in  one  of  those  large  double…leaf

paintings  wherein  a  witty  miniaturist  has  painted  a  number  of  unrelated

things in each corner—many things were happening all at once。



It was snowing so hard that snowflakes occasionally passed right through my

veil into my eyes。 I picked my way through the garden covered in rotting grass;

mud and broken branches; then quickened my pace once I’d exited onto the

street。 I know you’re all wondering what I’m thinking。 How much do I trust

Black? Let me be frank with you; then。 I myself don’t know what to think。 You

do understand; don’t you? I’m confused。 This much; however; I do know: As

always; I’ll fall into the routine of meals; children; my father and errands; and

before long my heart; without even having to be asked; will whisper the truth

