
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 英文 > 第53部分(第2页)


you go to the judge; I’ll reveal that you’re the one who murdered Our Sultan’s

cherished servant; Enishte Effendi。 This very morning。”

“Very well;” said Hasan calmly。 “Make that revelation。”

I  shrieked。  “They’ll  torture  the  both  of  you!”  I  shouted。  “Don’t  go  to  the

judge。 Wait。 Everything will bee clear。”

“I  have  no  fear  of  torture;”  Hasan  said。  “I’ve  been  tortured  twice  before;

and  both  times  I  understood  it  was  the  only  way  the  guilty  could  be  culled

from the innocent。 Let the slanderers fear torture。 I’m going to tell the judge;

the captain of the Janissaries; the Sheikhulislam; everybody about poor Enishte

Effendi’s   book   and   its   illustrations。   Everybody   is   talking   about   those

illustrations。 What is it about them? What’s in those pictures?”

“There’s nothing in them;” Black said。

“Which means you examined them at the first opportunity。”


“Enishte Effendi wants me to finish the book。”

“Very well。 I hope; God willing; that they’ll torture the both of us。”

The two of them fell silent。 Next; Black and I heard footsteps in the empty

yard。  Were  they  leaving  or  approaching  us?  We  could  neither  see  Hasan  nor

tell what he was doing。 It would’ve been senseless for him to push through the

thorns;  shrubs  and  brambles  lining  the  far  end  of  the  garden  in  the  pitch…

blackness。 He could’ve easily left without being seen; had he passed through

the  trees  and  wound  his  way  before  us;  but  we  didn’t  hear  any  footsteps

nearing us。 I boldly shouted; “Hasan!” There was no response。

“Hush;” said Black。

We  were  both  trembling  from  the  cold。  Without  hesitating  too  long;  we

closed  the  gate  and  the  doors  tightly  behind  us。  Before  entering  my  bed

warmed by the children; I checked on my father again。 Meanwhile; Black once

again seated himself before the pictures。



Ignore  the  fact  that  I’m  standing  here  placid  and  still;  if  truth  be  told;  I’ve

been galloping for centuries; I’ve passed over plains; fought in battles; carried

off the melancholy daughters of shahs to be wed; I’ve galloped tirelessly page

by page from story to history; from history to legend and from book to book;

I’ve appeared in countless stories; fables; books and battles; I’ve acpanied

invincible  heroes;  legendary  lovers  and  fantastic  armies;  I’ve  galloped  from

campaign  to  campaign  with  our  victorious  sultans;  and  as  a  result;  I’ve

appeared in countless illustrations。

How does it feel; you ask; to be painted so often?

Of course; I’m proud of myself。 Yet; I also question whether; indeed; it is I

