
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 英文 > 第55部分(第1页)


the death to him before anyone else。 To this end; I sought out an upholsterer; a

relative  on  my  late  father’s  side;  who’d  worked  in  the  tailors’  work  stalls

opposite  Coldfountain  Gate  ever  since  I  was  a  child。  When  I  found  him;  I

kissed  his  mottled  hand  and  explained  imploringly  that  I  needed  to  see  the

Head  Treasurer。  He  had  me  wait  among  his  balding  apprentices  who  were

sewing  curtains;  doubled  over  the  multicolored  silk  spread  over  their  laps;

then; he had me follow a head tailor’s assistant who; I learned; was going to

the palace to take measurements。 When we climbed up to the Parade Square

through Coldfountain Gate I knew I’d be able to avoid passing the workshop

opposite the Hagia Sophia; and thus; I was spared from announcing the crime

to the other miniaturists。


The Parade Square seemed abustle now; whereas it usually seemed empty to

me。 Though there wasn’t a single person at the Petitioner’s Gate; before which

petitioners  would  line  up  on  days  when  the  Divan  convened;  nor  anyone  in

the  vicinity  of  the  granaries;  it  was  as  if  I  could  hear  a  continuous  din

emanating  from  the  windows  of  the  sick  house;  from  the  carpenters’

workshop;  the  bakery;  the  stables;  the  grooms  with  their  horses  before  the

Second  Gate  (whose  spires  I  looked  upon  with  awe)  and  from  among  the

cypresses。  I  attributed  my  sense  of  alarm  to  the  fear  of  passing  through  the

Gate of Salutation; or Second Gate; which I would soon be doing for the first

time in my life。

At  the  gate;  I  could  neither  focus  my  attention  on  the  spot  where  the

executioners were said to be ever at the ready; nor could I hide my agitation

from the keepers of the gate who glanced inquiringly at the bolt of upholstery

cloth I carried as a prop so onlookers would assume I was assisting my tailor…


As soon as we entered the Divan Square; a deep silence enveloped us。 I felt

my heart pounding even in the veins of my forehead and neck。 This area; so

often  described  by  my  Enishte  and  others  who  visited  the  palace;  lay  before

me like a heavenly garden of unequaled beauty。 Yet; I didn’t feel the elation of

a  man  who’d  entered  Heaven;  just  trepidation  and  pious  reverence;  I  felt

myself  to  be  a  simple  servant  of  Our  Sultan;  who;  as  I  now  thoroughly

understood; was indeed the foundation of this worldly realm。 I stared at the

peacocks  roaming  through  the  greenery;  the  gold  cups  chained  to  splashing

fountains and the Grand Vizier’s heralds robed in silk (who seemed to move

about  without  touching  the  ground);  and  I  felt  the  thrill  of  serving  my

Sovereign。  There  was  no  doubt  that  I  would  plete  Our  Sultan’s  secret

book;  whose  unfinished  illustrations  I  carried  under  my  arm。  Without

