
迪文小说>我的名字叫张红英语 > 第22部分(第1页)


holding  it  gently  as  if  it  were  some  delicate  and  sensitive  bird;  and  my

thoughts  became  muddled。  I  didn’t  read  the  letters  again。  The  sun  broke

through  the  clouds  and  it  occurred  to  me  that  if  I’d  entered  Hasan’s

bedchamber  one  night  and  made  love  with  him;  no  one;  except  Allah;

would’ve  been  the  wiser。  He  did  resemble  my  missing  husband;  it’d  be  the

same thing。 Sometimes a strange thought like this entered my head。 As the sun

quickly warmed me; I could feel my body: my skin; my neck; even my nipples。

Orhan slipped inside as the sunlight struck me through the open door。

“Mama; what are you reading?” he said。

All right then; remember how I said that I didn’t reread the letters Esther

had just delivered? I lied。 I was in the midst of reading them again。 This time; I

truly did fold them up and tuck them away in my blouse。

“e here; you; onto my lap;” I said to Orhan。 He did so。 “Oh my; you’re

so  heavy。  May  God  protect  you;  you’ve  gotten  quite  big;”  I  said  and  kissed

him。 “You’re as cold as ice…”

“You’re so warm; Mama;” he interrupted; leaning back onto my bosom。

We  were  leaning  tight  against  each  other;  enjoying  sitting  that  way  in

silence。 I smelled the nape of his neck and kissed him。 I hugged him even more

tightly。 We were still。


“I’m feeling ticklish;” he said later。

“Tell me then;” I said in my serious voice。 “If the Sultan of the Jinns came

and said he’d grant you a wish; what would you want most of all?”

“I’d want Shevket to go away。”

“What besides? Would you want to have a father?”

“No; when I grow up I’m going to marry you myself。”

It  wasn’t  aging;  losing  one’s  beauty  or  even  being  bereft  of  husband  and

money  that  was  the  worst  of  all  calamities;  what  was  truly  horrible  was  not

having anyone to be jealous of you。 I lowered Orhan’s warming body from my

lap。 Thinking that a wicked woman like myself ought to wed someone with a

good soul; I went up to see my father。

“His Excellency Our Sultan will reward you after seeing for Himself that His

book has been pleted;” I said。 “You’ll go to Venice again。”

“I cannot be certain;” said my father。 “This murder has distressed me。 Our

