
迪文小说>我的名字叫张红英语 > 第88部分(第4页)


most  talented  and  most  proficient  among  the  masters  of  the  workshop;  not

only by Master Osman; but by Our Sultan as well; I began to be so terrified of

the envy of the others that I tried; if only at times; to go where they went; to

befriend  them  and  to  resemble  them  so  they  wouldn’t  turn  on  me  in  a

sudden fit of vengeance。 Do you understand? And since they’ve begun labeling

me  an  ”Erzurumi;“  I’ve  been  going  to  that  den  of  vile  unbelievers  so  others

might discount this rumor。”

“Master Osman said you often acted as if apologizing for your talent and


“What else did he say about me?”

“That you’d paint absurd; minute pictures on grains of rice and fingernails

so that others would be convinced you’d forsaken life for art。 He said you were

always trying to please others because you were embarrassed by the great gifts

Allah had bestowed upon you。”


“Master Osman is on Bihzad’s level;” I said with sincerity。 “What else?”

“He listed your faults without the slightest hesitation;” said the wretch。

“Let’s hear my faults then。”

“He said that despite your prodigious talent; you painted not for the love of

art  but  to  ingratiate  yourself。  Supposedly;  what  most  motivated  you  while

painting  was  imagining  the  pleasure  an  observer  would  feel;  whereas;  you

should’ve painted for the pleasure of painting itself。”

It  singed  my  heart  that  Master  Osman  so  brazenly  revealed  what  he

thought about me to a man of such diminished spirit; one who devoted his

life; not to art; but to being a clerk; writing letters and hollow flattery。 Black


“The  great  masters  of  old;  Master  Osman  claimed;  would  never  renounce

the styles and methods they cultivated through self…sacrifice to art just for the

sake of a new shah’s authority; the whims of a new prince or the tastes of a

new age; thus; to avoid being forced to alter their styles and methods; they’d

heroically    blind    themselves。    Meanwhile;    you’ve    enthusiastically    and

dishonorably  imitated  the  European  masters  for  the  pages  of  my  Enishte’s

book; with the excuse that it’s the will of Our Sultan。”

“The great Head Illuminator Master Osman most certainly meant no evil by

this;” I said。 “Allow me to put some linden tea on the boil for you; my dear


I  passed  into  the  adjoining  room。  My  beloved  tossed  over  my  head  the

nightgown  of  Chinese  silk  she  was  wearing;  which  she’d  purchased  from

Esther  the  clothier;  then

