
迪文小说>我的名字叫张红英语 > 第92部分(第2页)


him by the tail of his steed。 He then chased after Shengil who was trying to

escape; and grabbed him by his armor from behind before taking him by the

neck。 As he accepted his defeat; the Turanian; still curious about the identity of

the mysterious warrior; asked without hope what everybody had wondered for

days; ”Who are you?“ ”To you;“ replied the mysterious warrior; ”my name is

Death。“ Tell me then; my friends; who was he?”

“The legendary Rüstem;” said Butterfly with childlike glee。

I  kissed  him  on  the  neck。  “We’ve  all  betrayed  Master  Osman;”  I  said。

“Before he metes out his punishment; we must find Olive; rid ourselves of this

venom in our midst and e to an agreement so we can stand strong against

the eternal enemies of art and those who long to send us directly to dungeons

of torture。 Perhaps; when we arrive at Olive’s abandoned dervish house; we’ll

learn that the cruel murderer isn’t even one of our lot。”

Poor Butterfly uttered not a sound。 Regardless of how talented; confident

or  well  supported  he  might  be;  just  like  all  illuminators  who  sought  one

another’s  pany  depite  their  mutual  loathing  and  envy;  he  was  deathly

afraid of being left alone in this world and of going to Hell。

On the route to the Phanar Gate; there was an eerie greenish…yellow light

above  us;  but  it  wasn’t  the  light  of  the  moon。  In  this  light;  the  old;  faithful

nighttime  appearance  of  Istanbul  prised  of  cypress  trees;  leaden  domes;

stone  walls;  wooden  houses  and  tracts  ravaged  by  fire  was  overtaken  by  an

unfamiliarity such as might be caused by an enemy fortress。 As we ascended

the  hill;  in  the  distance  we  saw  the  fire  that  burned  somewhere  beyond  the

Bayazid Mosque。

In the heavy darkness; we came across an oxcart half…loaded with sacks of

flour  heading  toward  the  city  walls;  and  parting  with  two  silver  coins;  we

procured a ride。 Black had the pictures with him; and he sat down carefully。 As

I lay back and watched the low clouds glow from the fire; two raindrops fell

upon my helmet。

After  a  long  journey;  as  we  searched  for  the  deserted  dervish  lodge  we

roused  all  the  dogs  in  the  neighborhood  which;  in  the  middle  of  the  night;


seemed to be abandoned。 Although we saw that lamps were now burning in a

few stone houses in response to our clamor; it was only the fourth door we

knocked upon that opened to us; and a man in skullcap; gaping at us by the

light  of  his  lamp  as  if  we  were  the  living  dead;  gave  us  directions  to  the

deserted dervish lodge without even sticking his nose out into the quickening

rain—merrily  adding  that  once  there;  we’d  have  no  peace  from  the  evils  of

jinns; demons and ghosts。

In  the  garden  of  the  dervish  lodge  we  were  greeted  by  the  calm  of  proud

