transition[tr?nzi?n]n。 过渡;转变
例句 1。 The transition from forest to treeless tundra on a mountain slope is often a dramatic landscape。 在山坡上出现的从森林到荒芜苔原的转变通常是奇妙的景观。
2。 The transition to settled life has a profound impact on the family。 向稳定生活的转变对这个家庭有着深远的影响。
同义 conversion(n。 转变)
trend[trend]n。 趋势;流行 v。 倾向
搭配 economic trend 经济趋势
例句 1。 In some remote regions; the increase in desert areas is occurring largely as the result of a trend toward drier climatic conditions。 在一些边远地区,由于日趋干燥的气候条件,沙漠化在大面积扩大。
2。 Other trends and inventions had helped make it possible for Americans to vary their daily diets。 其他的趋势和发明使美国人改变其日常膳食成为了可能。
同义 tendency(n。 趋势);fashion(n。 流行)
tribal[traibl]a。 部落的;种族的
例句 The government left working people to govern themselves; much as shepherds of tribal confederacies were left alone by their leaders。 政府让劳动人民去管理他们自己,非常像部落联盟的牧羊人被他们的首领丢弃了一样。
同义 racial(a。 种族的)
tribe[traib]n。 部落,宗族
例句 Trade among merchants relied on regulation; while among tribes trade was based on personal relationships and careful character evaluation。 商人之间的贸易依赖于规则,然而在部落中人们之间的贸易基于个人关系和谨慎的性格评价。
triumph[trai?mf]n。 狂喜;胜利 v。 获胜
例句 The triumph of recorded sound has overshadowed the rich diversity of technologies in the 1920s。 在20世纪20年代,录音的胜利令丰富多样的技术黯然失色。
troop[tru:p]n。[pl。]军队;群,队 v。 成群结队而行
例句 A large number of troops stayed in the new province; and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain in the local economy。 大批军队驻扎在新的省份,这些军队给英国当地经济带来了相当大的影响。
undergo[??nd?rgou]v。 经历,遭受
例句 1。 Many aquatic animals undergo much suffering in dry desert environments。 许多水生动物在干燥的沙漠环境中经受着苦难。
2。 All forms of art were undergoing a revolution at that time。 当时,所有的艺术形式都经历着革新。
同义 experience(v。 经历);suffer(v。 遭受)
要点 undergo多指经受某种令人不愉快的经历或是某种变化,比如:Some marine organisms must undergo chemical changes to fossilize。
underlie[??nd?rlai]v。 位于…之下;构成…的基础
例句 In order to create a sense of beauty to this picture; researchers have relied on a distinction that still underlies the forms of much indigenous visual culture。 为了给这幅图创造美感,研究人员参照了土著视觉文化的形式所构成的差异。
underlying[??nd?rlaii?]a。 潜在的;在下面的
例句 1。 Over many thousands of years; a number of writers have noticed the underlying assumption of it。 数千年来,很多作者注意到了它的潜在可能。
2。 An interviewer can go beyond written questions and probe for a subjects underlying feelings and reasons。 面试官可以不局限于书面问题,而去了解应聘者潜在的情感和理智。
同义 latent(a。 潜在的)
要点 underlying除了可以表示“潜在的”意思以外,在托福阅读文章中还出现过“在下面的”这一用法,比如:the underlying soil“下卧土层”。
unintentionally[??ninten??n?li]ad。 非故意地,无意地
例句 Its not so good to create a wrong impression either intentionally or unintentionally for the first time you meet someone。 当初次与某人见面时,无论是有意还是无意,给别人留下一个不良印象都是不好的。
unprecedented[?npresidentid]a。 空前的
例句 1。 This unprecedented development of a finite groundwater resource almost matches with an natural recharge rate。 有限的地下水资源的空前开发与大自然的补给速度几乎是一致的。
2。 These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent。 这些生产创新把产量和生活标准提高到了前所未有的程度。
同义 unexampled(a。 空前的)
uping[?pk?mi?]a。 即将到来的,即将出现的
例句 In the face of the uping water supply crisis; a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from the Mississ