
迪文小说>托福1100句原文 > 第29部分(第1页)



3。 The destructive power of nuclear weapons is impressive。 核武器的破坏力令人惊叹。

同义 stunning(a。 给人深刻印象的)

要点 作者通常会用impressive来描述那些令人印象深刻的事物,起到强调的作用,比如the impressive size of the aquifer,这里impressive用于强调含水土层之大。

include[inklu:d]v。 包括,包含;计入

例句 1。 Some animals; including large swimming predators and soft…bodied animals; ate detritus or algae。 包括会游泳的肉食动物和软体动物在内的一些动物都会吃碎石和海藻。

2。 Many inplete skeletons were found including a plete hind leg that features a foot with three tiny toes。 许多不完整的骨骸被发现了,其中有一只完整的后腿,其特征是脚上有三个细小脚趾。

3。 Luckily; the fossil includes a good portion of its legs that were strong and ended in long feet very much like those of a modern pinniped。 幸运地,化石中有其完整的腿部化石,它的腿长而强壮,末端的脚与现代的鳍脚亚目动物相似。

要点 include与contain都有“包括”的含义,但在阅读时应该注意它们的区别:include强调被包含者只是整体中的一个部分,而contain则着重表达“内含”的意思。

inexpensive[?inikspensiv]a。 廉价的,不贵重的

例句 1。 Because they were able to import inexpensive goods; they had money available to meet the demand for other products。 因为可以进口低价的粮食,因此他们有钱购买其他产品。

2。 Although photography made accurate images inexpensive and widely available; it lowered its perceived value in relation to the fine arts。 虽然摄影能让精准的图像变得价格低廉,且能被广为使用,但却降低了它与美术相关的感知价值。

3。 Whatever the final answer to the water crisis may be; it is evident that irrigation water will never be the abundant and inexpensive resource even in the agricultural boom years of the mid…twentieth century。 不论对于水资源危机最终的答案是什么,很显然,即使是在20世纪中期农业发展蓬勃的时期,水资源也从来不是充足而廉价的资源。

要点 inexpensive既可以表示某件商品的价格低,也可以指某一事物没有价值。

infantile[inf?ntail]a。 幼稚的,孩子气的

例句 1。 An explanation for infantile amnesia involves inpatibilities between the ways in which infants encode information and the ways we retrieve it。 婴儿期失忆的一个解释是这与婴儿编码信息的方式与我们检索信息的方式不协调有关。

2。 It is evident that through the early infantile activity the preliminary stage of the later trouble may be noticed。 显然,通过早期的婴儿活动,可以在初始阶段就注意到日后的问题。

ingredient[ingri:di?nt]n。 成分,要素;(烹调的)原料;(混合物的)组成部分

例句 1。 In order to create a machine to replace the horses; the inventors succeeded in bining these ingredients by putting the engine on the wheels and the wheels on the rails。 为了发明一种可以取代马匹的机器,发明者们通过将不同的部分组合起来实现了这一目的——他们把发动机安置在车轮上,并把车轮安置在铁轨上。

2。 The weather map became an essential ingredient in the American newspaper。 气象图成为了美国报纸的一个基本要素。

同义 element(n。 成分,要素)

要点 ingredient表示某事物的组成部分或者成分,因此在阅读中,读者应注意相关组成部分与整体的联系。

inhabit[inh?bit]v。 居住于,(动物)栖居于;占据

例句 1。 Many colorful birds and animals that inhabit the rain forest do not rely on other forms of signaling except the visual。 很多栖息在热带雨林中的颜色鲜艳的鸟类和动物不会依靠除视觉以外的方式来传递信号。

2。 The study of the bination of plant species that inhabit a particular area has became a scientific discipline。 对生活在特定地区的植物种类集合的研究已经成为一门科学学科。

3。 The archaeological evidence indicates that Native Americans first inhabited this area。 考古学的证据显示,美洲的土著最初在这个区域居住。

inhabitant[inh?bit?nt]n。 居民,住户;栖息的动物

例句 The original inhabitants of Australia have grown the interest in the rock art over the last two centuries。 澳大利亚原始居民对岩洞艺术的兴趣已有两个世纪之久了。

inhospitable[?inhɑ:spit?bl]a。 荒凉的;不好客的;不适居留的

例句 1。 Spartina also can pose serious problems; for example turning mudflats into marshes that are inhospitable to many native fish and birds。 米草属植物也能引起严重的问题,比如使泥滩转变成不适合多数当地鱼类和鸟类居住的湿地。

2。 The hypothesis has gained increasing support in recent years because the remains of large land animals have been found in southeastern Alaska dating between 10;000 and 12;500 years ago and this is the period in which most scientists formerly believed the area to be inhospitable for humans。 这个假设在近年得到越来越多的支持,因为距今10000至12500年的体积较大的陆生动物遗骸在阿拉斯加东南部被发现,而大部分科学家以前曾认为这一时期此地是不适宜人类居住的。

要点 inhospitable在阅读文章里常用来描述环境、气候等不适宜居住。例如:This area is inhospitable for humans and animals。

inspire[inspai?r]v。 鼓舞,激励;给…以灵感

例句 1。 The success of these geologists inspired others to focus on the rock and fossil records found in different parts of the world。 这些地质学家的成功鼓舞了其他人专注于研究在世界各地找到的岩石和化石记录。

2。 Perhaps the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals as food。 或许这些画作的灵感来源是对作为食物的动物的需求增加。

3。 Thomas Edisons design of the Kinetoscope inspired the invention of large screen projection。 托马斯·爱迪生设计的电影放映机启发了大屏幕投影仪的发明。

同义 stimulate(v。 鼓舞,激励)

要点 inspire除了可以表示“创作灵感的激发”以外,如例句所示,在托福阅读考试中,还可以表示“推动…的发展”的含义。

interpret[int?:rprit]v。 解释,说明;理解

例句 1。 Children may not be able to interpret exaggerated claims made by advertisers; not to say the disclaimers used to offset claims。 儿童也许没法解读广告商们的夸张言论,更不用说那些用于推卸责任的免责声明。

