
迪文小说>海伦凯勒自传的主要内容 > 第7部分(第1页)


skies; the purple of distant hills; yet their souls voyage through this

enchanted world with a barren stare。

The calamity of the blind is immense; irreparable。 But it does not take

away our share of the things that count……service; friendship; humour;

imagination; wisdom。 It is the secret inner will that controls ones

fate。 We are capable of willing to be good; of loving and being loved;

of thinking to the end that we may be wiser。 We possess these

spirit…born forces equally with all Gods children。 Therefore we; too;

see the lightnings and hear the thunders of Sinai。 We; too; march

through the wilderness and the solitary place that shall be glad for us;

and as we pass; God maketh the desert to blossom like the rose。 We; too;

go in unto the Promised Land to possess the treasures of the spirit; the

unseen permanence of life and nature。

The blind man of spirit faces the unknown and grapples with it; and what

else does the world of seeing men do? He has imagination; sympathy;

humanity; and these ineradicable existences pel him to share by a

sort of proxy in a sense he has not。 When he meets terms of colour;

light; physiognomy; he guesses; divines; puzzles out their meaning by

analogies drawn from the senses he has。 I naturally tend to think;

reason; draw inferences as if I had five senses instead of three。 This

tendency is beyond my control; it is involuntary; habitual; instinctive。

I cannot pel my mind to say 〃I feel〃 instead of 〃I see〃 or 〃I hear。〃

The word 〃feel〃 proves on examination to be no less a convention than

〃see〃 and 〃hear〃 when I seek for words accurately to describe the

outward things that affect my three bodily senses。 When a man loses a

leg; his brain persists in impelling him to use what he has not and yet

feels to be there。 Can it be that the brain is so constituted that it

will continue the activity which animates the sight and the hearing;

after the eye and the ear have been destroyed?

It might seem that the five senses would work intelligently together

only when resident in the same body。 Yet when two or three are left

unaided; they reach out for their plements in another body; and find

that they yoke easily with the borrowed team。 When my hand aches from

overtouching; I find relief in the sight of another。 When my mind lags;

wearied with the strain of forcing out thoughts about dark; musicless;

