
迪文小说>flipped英文版pdf > 第18部分(第2页)


usual。 Not because she gushed about it or even waved

and winked or something。 No; she was back to avoiding me。 Shed say hi if we happened to

run into each other; but instead of being; like; right over

my shoulder anytime I looked; she was nowhere。 She must have ducked out back doors and

taken roundabout ways through campus。 She was; I

dont know; scarce。

I found myself looking at her in class。 The teacherd be talking and all eyes would be up

front … except mine。 They kept wandering over to Juli。 It

was weird。 One minute Id be listening to the teacher; and the next Id be pletely tuned

out; looking at Juli。

It wasnt until Wednesday in math that I figured it out。 With the way her hair fell back over her

shoulders and her head was tilted; she looked like

the picture in the paper。 Not just like it — the angle was different; and the wind wasnt

blowing through her hair — but she did look like the picture。 A

lot like the picture。

Making that connection sent a chill down my spine。 And I wondered — what was she thinking?

Could she really be that interested in root


Darla Tressler caught me watching; and man; she gave me the worlds wickedest smile。 If I

didnt do something fast; this was going to spread like

wildfire; so I squinted at her and whispered; “Theres a bee in her hair; stupid;” then pointed

around in the air like; There it goes; see?

Darlas neck whipped around searching for the bee; and I straightened out my focus for the

rest of the day。 The last thing I needed was to be

scorched by the likes of Darla Tressler。

That night I was doing my homework; and just to prove to myself that Id been wrong; I pulled

that newspaper article out of my trash can。 And as

Im flipping it over; Im telling myself; Its a distortion of reality; its my imagination; she doesnt

really look like that…。

But there she was。 The girl in my math class; two rows over and one seat up; glowing

through newsprint。

Lyta barged in。 “I need your sharpener;” she said。

I slammed my binder closed over the paper and said; “Youre supposed to knock!” And then;

since she was zooming in and the paper was still

sticking out; I crammed the binder into my backpack as fast as I could。

“What are you trying to hide there; baby brother?”

