
迪文小说>我的名字叫红的红的意思 > 第68部分(第2页)


me the most talented of miniaturists and even how they would announce at

once that I was to bee Head Illuminator; but then I considered what else

those  idiots  would  say:  “How  quickly  and  joyfully  he’s  drawn  this!”  For  this

reason  alone;  I  was  worried  they  wouldn’t  take  my  wonderful  illustration

seriously。 Therefore; I meticulously rendered the mane; nostrils; teeth; strands

of horsetail and saddle blanket in minute detail so there would be no doubt

that I had indeed labored over the illustration。 From this position; that is; the

rear  lateral  view;  the  horse’s  testicles  should’ve  been  visible;  but  I  left  them

out because they might unduly preoccupy the women。 Proudly; I studied my

horse: rearing; moving like a tempest; strong and powerful! It was as if a wind

had  kicked  up  and  set  elliptical  brush  strokes  in  motion;  like  the  letters  in  a

line  of  script;  yet  the  animal  was  also  poised。  They’d  praise  the  magnificent

miniaturist  who  drew  this  illustration  as  if  praising  a  Bihzad  or  a  Mir

Musavvir; and then; I; too; would be like them。

When I draw a magnificent horse; I bee a great master of old drawing

that horse。



After the evening prayers I intended to go to the coffeehouse; but they told me

there  was  a  visitor  at  the  door。  Good  tidings;  I  hoped。  I  went  to  discover  a

messenger  from  the  palace。  He  described  the  Sultan’s  contest。  Fine;  the

world’s most beautiful horse。 You tell me how much you’ll offer for each; and

I’ll quickly draw you five or six of them。

Rather  than  say  any  such  thing;  I  maintained  my  reserve;  and  simply

invited  the  boy  waiting  at  the  door  inside。  I  thought  for  a  moment:  The

world’s  most  beautiful  horse  doesn’t  even  exist  that  I  might  draw  it。  I  can

draw  war  steeds;  large  Mongolian  horses;  noble  Arabians;  heroic;  writhing

chargers  covered  in  blood;  or  even  luckless  packhorses  pulling  a  cartfull  of

stone to a building site; but no one would call any of them the world’s most

beautiful horse。 Naturally; by “the world’s most beautiful horse;” I knew that

Our  Sultan  meant  the  most  splendid  of  the  horses  that  had  been  depicted

thousands of times in Persia; in keeping with all of the formulas; models and

poses of yore。 But why?

Of course; there were those who didn’t want me to win the purse of gold。 If

they’d  told  me  to  draw  your  average  horse;  it’s  mon  knowledge  that

nobody’s picture could pete with mine。 Who was it that had duped Our

Sultan? Our Sovereign; despite the endless gossip of all of those jealous artists;

knows full well that I am the most talented of His miniaturists。 He admires my


