
迪文小说>简爱英文版简介 > 第70部分(第1页)


he mistress was different。 She was a great reader; and studied a deal; and the “bairns” had taken after her。 There was nothing like them in these parts; nor ever had been; they had liked learning; all three; almost from the time they could speak; and they had always been “of a mak’ of their own。” Mr。 St。 John; when he grew up; would go to college and be a parson; and the girls; as soon as they left school; would seek places as governesses: for they had told her their father had some years ago lost a great deal of money by a man he had trusted turning bankrupt; and as he was now not rich enough to give them fortunes; they must provide for themselves。 They had lived very little at home for a long while; and were only e now to stay a few weeks on account of their father’s death; but they did so like Marsh End and Morton; and all these moors and hills about。 They had been in London; and many other grand towns; but they always said there was no place like home; and then they were so agreeable with each other—never fell out nor “threaped。” She did not know where there was such a family for being united。

Having finished my task of gooseberry picking; I asked where the two ladies and their brother were now。

“Gone over to Morton for a walk; but they would be back in half…an… hour to tea。”

They returned within the time Hannah had allotted them: they entered by the kitchen door。 Mr。 St。 John; when he saw me; merely bowed and passed through; the two ladies stopped: Mary; in a few words; kindly and calmly expressed the pleasure she felt in seeing me well enough to be able to e down; Diana took my hand: she shook her head at me。

“You should have waited for my leave to descend;” she said。 “You still look very pale—and so thin! Poor child!—poor girl!”

Diana had a voice toned; to my ear; like the cooing of a dove。 She possessed eyes whose gaze I delighted to encounter。 Her whole face seemed to me fill of charm。 Mary’s countenance was equally intelligent—her features equally pretty; but her expression was more reserved; and her manners; though gentle; more distant。 Diana looked and spoke with a certain authority: she had a will; evidently。 It was my nature to feel pleasure in yielding to an authority supported like hers; and to bend; where my conscience and self…respect permitted; to an active will。

“And what business have you here?” she continued。 “It is not your place。 Mary and I sit in the kitchen sometimes; because at home we like to be free; even to license—but you are a visitor; and must go into the parlour。”

“I am very well here。”

“Not at all; with Hannah bustling about and covering you with flour。”

“Besides; the fire is too hot for you;” interposed Mary。

“To be sure;” added her sister。 “e; you must be obedient。” And still holding my hand she made me rise; and led me into the inner room。

“Sit there;” she said; placing me on the sofa; “while we take our things off and get the tea ready; it is another privilege we exercise in our little moorland home—to prepare our own meals when we are so inclined; or when Hannah is baking; brewing; washing; or ironing。”

She closed the door; leaving me solus with Mr。 St。 John; who sat opposite; a book or newspaper in his hand。 I examined first; the parlour; and then its occupant。

The parlour was rather a small room; very plainly furnished; yet fortable; because clean and neat。 The old…fashioned chairs were very bright; and the walnut…wood table was like a looking…glass。 A feen and women of other days decorated the stained walls; a cupboard with glass doors contained some books and an ancient set of china。 There was no superfluous ornament in the room—not one modern piece of furniture; save a brace of workboxes and a lady’s desk in rosewood; which stood on a side…table: everything—including the carpet and curtains—looked at once well worn and well saved。

Mr。 St。 John—sitting as still as one of the dusty pictures on the walls; keeping his eyes fixed on the page he perused; and his lips mutely sealed—was easy enough to examine。 Had he been a statue instead of a man; he could not have been easier。 He was young— perhaps from twenty…eight to thirty—tall; slender; his face riveted the eye; it was like a Greek face; very pure in outline: quite a straight; classic nose; quite an Athenian mouth and chin。 It is seldom; indeed; an English face es so near the antique models as did his。 He might well be a little shocked at the irregularity of my lineaments; his own being so harmonious。 His eyes were large and blue; with brown lashes; his high forehead; colourless as ivory; was partially streaked over by careless locks of fair hair。

This is a gentle delineation; is it not; reader? Yet he whom it describes scarcely impressed one with the idea of a gentle; a yielding; an impressible; or even of a placid nature。 Quiescent as he now sat; there was something about his nostril; his mouth; his brow; which; to my perceptions; indicated elements within either restless; or hard; or eager。 He did not speak to me one word; nor even direct to me one glance; till his sisters returned。 Diana; as she passed in and out; in the course of preparing tea; brought me a little cake; baked on the top of the oven。

“Eat that now;” she said: “you must be hungry。 Hannah says you have had nothing but some gruel since breakfast。”

I did not refuse it; for my appetite was awakened and keen。 Mr。 Rivers now closed his book; approached the table; and; as he took a seat; fixed his blue pictorial…looking eyes full on me。 There was an unceremonious directness; a searching; decided steadfastness in his gaze now; which told that intention; and not diffidence; had hitherto kept it averted from the stranger。

“You are very hungry;” he said。

“I am; sir。” It is my way—it always was my way; by instinct—ever to meet the brief with brevity; the direct with plainness。

“It is well for you that a low fever has forced you to abstain for the last three days: there would have been danger in yielding to the cravings of your appetite at first。 Now you may eat; though still not immoderately。”

“I trust I shall not eat long at your expense; sir;” was my very clumsily…contrived; unpolished answer。

“No;” he said coolly: “when you have indicated to us the residence of your friends; we can write to them; and you may be restored to home。”

