
迪文小说>简爱英文版txt百度 > 第83部分(第2页)


He looked at me fixedly; pressing his well…cut lips while he did so。 Whether he was incensed or surprised; or what; it was not easy to tell: he could mand his countenance thoroughly。

“I scarcely expected to hear that expression from you;” he said: “I think I have done and uttered nothing to deserve scorn。”

I was touched by his gentle tone; and overawed by his high; calm mien。

“Forgive me the words; St。 John; but it is your own fault that I have been roused to speak so unguardedly。 You have introduced a topic on which our natures are at variance—a topic we should never discuss: the very name of love is an apple of discord between us。 If the reality were required; what should we do? How should we feel? My dear cousin; abandon your scheme of marriage—forget it。”

“No;” said he; “it is a long…cherished scheme; and the only one which can secure my great end: but I shall urge you no further at present。 To…morrow; I leave home for Cambridge: I have many friends there to whom I should wish to say farewell。 I shall be absent a fortnight—take that space of time to consider my offer: and do not forget that if you reject it; it is not me you deny; but God。 Through my means; He opens to you a noble career; as my wife only can you enter upon it。 Refuse to be my wife; and you limit yourself for ever to a track of selfish ease and barren obscurity。 Tremble lest in that case you should be numbered with those who have denied the faith; and are worse than infidels!”

He had done。 Turning from me; he once more

“Looked to river; looked to hill。”

But this time his feelings were all pent in his heart: I was not worthy to hear them uttered。 As I walked by his side homeward; I read well in his iron silence all he felt towards me: the disappointment of an austere and despotic nature; which has met resistance where it expected submission—the disapprobation of a cool; inflexible judgment; which has detected in another feelings and views in which it has no power to sympathise: in short; as a man; he would have wished to coerce me into obedience: it was only as a sincere Christian he bore so patiently with my perversity; and allowed so long a space for reflection and repentance。

That night; after he had kissed his sisters; he thought proper to forget even to shake hands with me; but left the room in silence。 I—who; though I had no love; had much friendship for him—was hurt by the marked omission: so much hurt that tears started to my eyes。

“I see you and St。 John have been quarrelling; Jane;” said Diana; “during your walk on the moor。 But go after him; he is now lingering in the passage expecting you—he will make it up。”

I have not much pride under such circumstances: I would always rather be happy than dignified; and I ran after him—he stood at the foot of the stairs。

“Good…night; St。 John;” said I。

“Good…night; Jane;” he replied calmly。

“Then shake hands;” I added。

What a cold; loose touch; he impressed on my fingers! He was deeply displeased by what had occurred that day; cordiality would not warm; nor tears move him。 No happy reconciliation was to be had with him—no cheering smile or generous word: but still the Christian was patient and placid; and when I asked him if he forgave me; he answered that he was not in the habit of cherishing the remembrance of vexation; that he had nothing to forgive; not having been offended。

And with that answer he left me。 I would much rather he had knocked me down。

Chapter 35

He did not leave for Cambridge the next day; as he had said he would。 He deferred his departure a whole week; and during that time he made me feel what severe punishment a good yet stern; a conscientious yet implacable man can inflict on one who has offended him。 Without one overt act of hostility; one upbraiding word; he contrived to impress me momently with the conviction that I was put beyond the pale of his favour。

Not that St。 John harboured a spirit of unchristian vindictiveness— not that he would have injured a hair of my head; if it had been fully in his power to do so。 Both by nature and principle; he was superior to the mean gratification of vengeance: he had forgiven me for saying I scorned him and his love; but he had not forgotten the words; and as long as he and I lived he never would forget them。 I saw by his look; when he turned to me; that they were always written on the air between me and him; whenever I spoke; they sounded in my voice to his ear; and their echo toned every answer he gave me。

He did not abstain from conversing with me: he even called me as usual each morning to join him at his desk; and I fear the corrupt man within him had a pleasure unimparted to; and unshared by; the pure Christian; in evincing with what skill he could; while acting and speaking apparently just as usual; extract from every deed and every phrase the spirit of interest and approval which had formerly municated a certain austere charm to his language and manner。 To me; he was in reality bee no

