
迪文小说>flipped英文版百度 > 第12部分(第2页)


“No way。”

“Its true! All those eggs I gave to you I couldve sold to Mrs。 Stueby or Mrs。 Helms!”

“Oh;” he said; and looked away。 Then he eyed me and said; “Well; why did you just give

them to us?”

I was fighting back tears; but it was hard。 I choked out; “I was trying to be neighborly…!”

He put down the trash can; then did something that made my brain freeze。 He held me by

the shoulders and looked me right in the eyes。 “Mrs。

Stuebys your neighbor; isnt she? Sos Mrs。 Helms; right? Why be neighborly to us and not


What was he trying to say? Was it still so obvious how I felt about him? And if he knew; how

could he have been so heartless; just throwing my

eggs away like that; week after week; year after year?

I couldnt find any words。 None at all。 I just stared at him; at the clear; brilliant blue of his eyes。

“Im sorry; Juli;” he whispered。

I stumbled home; embarrassed and confused; my heart pletely cracked open。

Get a Grip; Man

It didnt take long for me to realize that Id traded in my old problems with Juli Baker for a

whole new set of problems with Juli Baker。 I could feel her

anger a mile away。

It was actually worse having her mad at me than having her harass me。 Why? Because Id

screwed up; thats why。 I had egg all over my face; and

blaming it on her yard had done nothing to wash it off。 The way she ignored me; or so

obviously avoided me; was a screaming loud reminder to me

that Id been a jerk。 A royal cluck…faced jerk。

Then one day Im ing home from hanging out with Garrett after school; and theres Juli in

her front yard; hacking at a shrub。 She is thrashing

on the thing。 Branches are flying over her shoulder; and clear across the street I can hear her

grunting and growling and saying stuff like; “No…

you… dont! You are ing… off… whether you like it or …not!”

Did I feel good about this? No; my friend; I did not。 Yeah; their yard was a mess; and it was

about time someone did something about it; but

cmon — wheres the dad? What about Matt and Mike? Why Juli?

Because Id embarrassed her into it; thats why。 I felt worse than ever。

So I snuck inside and tried to ignore the fact that heres my desk and heres my window; and

right across the street from me is Juli; beating up a

