
迪文小说>海伦凯勒人物传记英语 > 第9部分(第1页)


shut the window。 But that was not thought in any sense。 It was the same

kind of association that makes animals take shelter from the rain。 From

the same instinct of aping others; I folded the clothes that came from

the laundry; and put mine away; fed the turkeys; sewed bead…eyes on my

dolls face; and did many other things of which I have the tactual

remembrance。 When I wanted anything I liked;……ice…cream; for instance;

of which I was very fond;……I had a delicious taste on my tongue (which;

by the way; I never have now); and in my hand I felt the turning of the

freezer。 I made the sign; and my mother knew I wanted ice…cream。 I

〃thought〃 and desired in my fingers。 If I had made a man; I should

certainly have put the brain and soul in his finger…tips。 From

reminiscences like these I conclude that it is the opening of the two

faculties; freedom of will; or choice; and rationality; or the power of

thinking from one thing to another; which makes it possible to e into

being first as a child; afterwards as a man。

Since I had no power of thought; I did not pare one mental state with

another。 So I was not conscious of any change or process going on in my

brain when my teacher began to instruct me。 I merely felt keen delight

in obtaining more easily what I wanted by means of the finger motions

she taught me。 I thought only of objects; and only objects I wanted。 It

was the turning of the freezer on a larger scale。 When I learned the

meaning of 〃I〃 and 〃me〃 and found that I was something; I began to

think。 Then consciousness first existed for me。 Thus it was not the

sense of touch that brought me knowledge。 It was the awakening of my

soul that first rendered my senses their value; their cognizance of

objects; names; qualities; and properties。 Thought made me conscious of

love; joy; and all the emotions。 I was eager to know; then to

understand; afterward to reflect on what I knew and understood; and the

blind impetus; which had before driven me hither and thither at the

dictates of my sensations; vanished forever。

I cannot represent more clearly than any one else the gradual and subtle

changes from first impressions to abstract ideas。 But I know that my

physical ideas; that is; ideas derived from material objects; appear to

me first an idea similar to those of touch。 Instantly they pass into

