
迪文小说>哲学史在线阅读 > 第8部分(第1页)


particularisation; for the universal absolute being; it is the side of its definite existence; the sphere

of its formal reality; the sphere of the reverence paid to God。 — To prehend the absolute

connection of this antithesis; is the profound task of metaphysics。 This Limitation originates all

forms of particularity of whatever kind。 The formal volition 'of which we have spoken' wills itself;

desires to make its own personality valid in all that it purposes and does: even the pious individual

wishes to be saved and happy。 This pole of the antithesis; existing for itself; is — in contrast with

the Absolute Universal Being — a special separate existence; taking cognisance of speciality only;

and willing that alone。 In short it plays its part in the region of mere phenomena。 This is the sphere

of particular purposes; in effecting which individuals exert themselves on behalf of their individuality

— give it full play and objective realisation。 This is also the sphere of happiness and its opposite。

He is happy who finds his condition suited to his special character; will; and fancy; and so enjoys

himself in that condition。 The History of the World is not the theatre of happiness。 Periods of

happiness are blank pages in it; for they are periods of harmony; — periods when the antithesis is

in abeyance。 Reflection on self; — the Freedom above described — is abstractly defined as the

formal element of the activity of the absolute Idea。 The realising activity of which we have spoken

is the middle term of the Syllogism; one of whose extremes is the Universal essence; the Idea;

which reposes in the peralia of Spirit; and the other; the plex of external things; objective

matter。 That activity is the medium by which the universal latent principle is translated into the

domain of objectivity。

§ 29

I will endeavour to make what has been said more vivid and clear by examples。

The building of a house is; in the first instance; a subjective aim and design。 On the other hand we

have; as means; the several substances required for the work; — Iron; Wood; Stones。 The

elements are made use of in working up this material: fire to melt the iron; wind to blow the fire;

water to set wheels in motion; in order to cut the wood; &c。 The result is; that the wind; which has

helped to build the house; is shut out by the house; so also are the violence of rains and floods;

and the destructive powers of fire; so far as the house is made fire…proof。 The stones and beams

obey the law of gravity; — press downwards; — and so high walls are carried up。 Thus the

elements are made use of in accordance with their nature; and yet to co…operate for a product; by

which their operation is limited。 Thus the passions of men are gratified; they develop themselves

and their aims in accordance with their natural tendencies; and build up the edifice of human

society; thus fortifying a position for Right and Order against themselves。

§ 30

The connection of events above indicated; involves also the fact; that in history an additional result

is monly produced by human actions beyond that which they aim at and obtain — that which

they immediately recognise and desire。 They gratify their own interest; but something farther is

thereby acplished; latent in the actions in question; though not present to their consciousness;

and not included in their design。 An analogous example is offered in the case of a man who; from a

feeling of revenge; — perhaps not an unjust one; but produced by injury on the others part; —

burns that other mans house。 A connection is immediately established between the deed itself and

