
迪文小说>三国演义英文版合集 > 第56部分(第1页)


uction and restored him to a position of authority。 Wherein I must confess to showing no kindness to the people of Yanzhou; although it was a great matter for Cao Cao。

〃Later it happened that the imperial cortege moved east; and a horde of rebels of Dong Zhuos faction rose and attacked。 The course of government was hindered。 At that moment my territory was threatened from the north; and I could not leave it。 Wherefore I sent one of my officers; Xu Xun; to Cao Cao to see to the repair of the dynastic temples and the protection of the youthful sovereign。 Thereupon Cao Cao gave the rein to his inclinations。 He arbitrarily ordered the removal of the court to Xuchang。 He brought shame upon the Ruling House and subverted the laws。 He engrossed the chairmanship of the three highest offices and monopolized the control of the administration。 Offices and rewards were conferred according to his will; punishment was at his word。 He glorified whole families of those he loved; he exterminated whole clans of those he hated。 Open critics were executed; secret opponents were assassinated。 Officials locked their lips; wayfarers only exchanged glances。 Chairs of boards recorded levies; and every government official held a sinecure。

〃The late Yang Biao; a man who had filled two of the highest offices of state as Chairs of two boards; because of some petty grudge was; though guiltless; charged with a crime。 He was beaten and suffered every form of cruelty。 This arbitrary and impulsive act was a flagrant disregard of constitutional rules。

〃Another victim was the Counselor Zhao Yan。 He was faithful in remonstrance; honest in speech; endowed with the highest principles of rectitude。 He was listened to at court。 His words carried enough weight with the Emperor to cause him to modify his intention and confer reward for outspokenness。 Desirous of diverting all power into his own hands and stifle all criticism; Cao Cao presumed to arrest and put to death this censor; in defiance of all legal procedures。

〃Another evil deed was the destruction of the tomb of Prince Xiao of Liang; the brother of the late Emperor。 His tomb should certainly have been respected; even its mulberries and sweetgum trees; its cypresses and its pines。 Cao Cao led soldiers to the cemetery and stood by while it was desecrated; the coffin destroyed and the poor corpse exposed。 They stole the gold and jewels of the dead。 This deed brought tears to the eyes of the Emperor and rent the hearts of all people。 Cao Cao also appointed new offices………mander Who Opens Grave Mounds and General Who Seeks for Gold………whose tracks were marked by desecrated graves and exhumed bodies。 Indeed; while assuming the position of the highest officer of state; he indulged the inclination of a bandit; polluting the empire; oppressing the people; a bane to gods and humans。

〃He added to this by setting up minute and vexatious prohibitions so that there were nets and snares spread in every pathway; traps and pitfalls laid in every road。 A hand raised was caught in a net; a foot advanced was taken in an entanglement。 Wherefore the people of his regions; Yanzhou and Yuzhou; waxed desperate and the inhabitants of the metropolis groaned and murmured in anger。

〃Read down the names through all the years;

Of ministers that all people curse;

For greed and cruelty and lust;

Than Cao Cao you will not find a worse。

〃I have investigated the cases of evil deeds in the regions; but I have been unable to reform him。 I have given him repeated opportunities hoping that he would repent。 But he has the heart of a wolf; the nature of a wild beast。 He nourishes evil in his bosom and desires to pull down the pillars of the state; to weaken the House of Han; to destroy the loyal and true; and to stand himself conspicuous as the chiefest of criminals。

〃Formerly; when I attacked the north; Gongsun Zan; that obstinate bandit and perverse brave; resisted my might for a year。 Before Gongsun Zan could be destroyed; this Cao Cao wrote to him that; under the pretense of assisting my loyal armies; he would covertly lead them to destruction。 The plot was discovered through his messengers; and Gongsun Zan also perished。 This blunted Cao Caos ardor; and his plans failed。

〃Now he is camped at the Ao Granaries; with the Yellow River to strengthen his position。 Like the mantis in the story; who threatened the chariot with its forelegs; he thinks himself terrible。 But with the dignity and prestige of Han to support me; I confront the whole world。 I have spearmen by millions; horsemen by hundreds of thousands; fierce and vigorous warriors strong as Chong Huang and Wu Huo; those heroes of antiquity。 I have enlisted expert archers and strong bowmen。 In Bingzhou my armies have crossed the Taihang Range; and in Qingzhou they have forded River Ji and River Ta。 They have coasted down the Yellow River to attack his van; and from Jingzhou the armies of Liu Biao have descended to Wancheng and Wangye to smite his rearguard。 Thunder…like in the weight of their march; tiger…like in the alertness of their advance; they are as flames let loose among light grass; as the blue ocean poured on glowing embers。 Is there any hope that he escape destruction?

〃Of the hordes of Cao Cao; those who can fight are from the north or from other camps; and they all desire to return home。 They weep whenever they look to the north。 The others belong to Yanzhou or Yuzhou; being remnants of the armies of Lu Bu and Zhang Yang。 Beaten; stern necessity forced them to accept service; but they take it only as a temporary expedient。 They who have been wounded hate each other。 If I give the signal to return and send my drums to the mountain tops; and wave the white flag to show them they may surrender; they will melt away like dew before the sun; and no blood will be shed。 The victory will be mine。

〃Now the Hans are failing and the bonds of empire are relaxed。 The sacred dynasty has no supporter; the ministers are not strong enough to cope with the difficulties。 Within the capital the responsible ministers are crestfallen and helpless。 There is no one to rely upon。 Such loyal and high principled people as are left are browbeaten by a tyrannical minister。 How can they manifest their virtue?

〃Cao Cao has surrounded the Palace with seven hundred veterans; the ostensible object being to guard the Emperor; but the covert design being to hold him prisoner。 I fear this is but the first step in usurpation; and so I take my part。 Now is the time for loyal ministers to sacrifice their lives; the opportunity for officers to perform meritorious deeds。 Can I fail to urge you?

〃Cao Cao has forged mands to himself to undertake the control of government affairs and; in the name of the state; sends out calls for military assistance。 I fear lest distant regions may obey his behest and send troops to help him; to the detriment of the multitude and their everlasting shame。 No wise person will do so。

〃The forces of four regions………Bingzhou; Jizhou; Qingzhou; and Youzhou………are moving out simultaneously。 When this call reaches Jingzhou; you will see their forces cooperate with those of Liu Biao。 All regions and counties ought to organize volunteers and set them along their borders to demonstrate their force and prove their loyal support of the dynasty。 Will not this be rendering extraordinary service?

〃The rank of lordship; with feudal rights over five thousand households and a money reward of five millions; will be the reward of the one who brings the head of Cao Cao。 No questions will be asked of those who surrender。 I publish abroad this notice of my bounty and the rewards offered that you may realize that the dynasty is in real danger。〃

Yuan Shao read this effusion with great joy。 He at once ordered copies to be posted everywhere; in towns and cities; at gates; tax stations; ferries; and passes。 Copies found their way to the capital; and one got into Cao Caos palace。 That day he happened to be in bed with a bad headache。 The servants took the paper to the sick mans room。 He read it and was frightened from the tips of his hair to the marrow of his very bones。 He broke out into a cold perspiration; and his headache vanished。

Cao Cao bounded out of bed and said to Cao Hong; 〃Who wrote this?〃

〃They say it is Chen Lins brush;〃 replied he。

Cao Cao laughed; 〃They have the literary gift; they would rather have the military too to back it up。 This fellow may be a very elegant writer; but what if Yuan Shaos fighting capacity falls short?〃

Cao Cao called his advisers together to consider the next move。

Kong Rong heard of the summons and went to Cao Cao; saying; 〃You should not fight with Yuan Shao: He is too strong。 Make peace。〃

Xun Yu said; 〃He is despicable。 Do not make peace。〃

Kong Rong replied; 〃His land is wide and his people strong。 He has many skillful strategists like Guo Tu; Xu You; Peng Ji; and Shen Pei; loyal leaders like Tian Feng and Ju Shou; and formidable generals like Yan Liang and Wen Chou; able manders like Gao Lan; Zhang He; Han Meng; and Chunyu Qiong。 You cannot say he is despicable。〃

Xun Yu laughed; saying; 〃His army is a rabble。 One general; Tian Feng; is bold but treacherous; another; Xu You; is greedy and ignorant; Shen Pei is devoted but stupid; Peng Ji is steady but useless。 And these four of such different temperaments; mutually inpatible; will make for confusion rather than efficiency。 The brave Yan Liang and Wen Chou are worthless and can be disposed of in the first battle; and the others such as Gao Lan; Zhang He; Han Meng; and Chunyu Qiong are poor; rough stuff。 What is the use even of their hundred thousands?〃

Kong Rong was silent; and Cao Cao smiled。

〃They are even as Xun Yu describes;〃 said Cao Cao。

Then Cao Cao issued orders。 Generals Liu Dai and Wang Zhong were to lead an army of fifty thousand troops; displaying the Prime Ministers banners; and march against Xuzhou to attack Liu Bei。

This Liu Dai had been Imperial Protector of Yanzhou but had surrendered to Cao Cao and entered Cao Caos service after the fall of his region。 Cao Cao had given him a rank as Supernumerary Leader and now was disposed to make use of him。

Cao Cao himself took mand of a large army of two hundred thousand troops for a simultaneous attack on Yuan Shao at Liyang。

Adviser Cheng Yu said; 〃The two Liu Dai and Wang Zhong sent against Liu Bei are unequal to their task。〃

〃I know;〃 said Cao Cao。 〃They are not meant to fight Liu Bei。 It is merely a feint。 They have orders not to make any real attack till I have overe Yuan Shao。 Then Liu Bei will be next。〃

Liu Dai and Wang Zhong went their way; and Cao Cao marched out his grand army; which came into touch with the enemy; then thirty miles distant; at Liyang。 Both sides made fortified camps and waited watching each other。 This went on for two months of the autumn。

There was dissension in Yuan Shaos camp。 Xu You was at enmity with his colleague; Shen Pei; who was in manding position; and the strategist Ju Shou resented the rejection of his plan。 So they would not attack。 Yuan Shao also could not make up his mind。

Tired of this state of inaction; Cao Cao then gave orders to his manders: Zang Ba was to continue the pressure on Qingzhou and Xuzhou; Yu Jin and Li Dian to deploy troops along the Yellow River; Cao Ren to quarter the main force at Guandu

