
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 知乎 > 第55部分(第4页)


Effendi。 I hinted that the followers of the preacher from Erzurum and those

who were targeting dervish houses where music was played and men danced

might be involved。 When I saw the doubtful expression of the Head Treasurer; I

eagerly shared my other suspicions: I informed him that the moary rewards

and  honor  involved  in  being  invited  to  illustrate  and  illuminate  Enishte

Effendi’s book had likely led to unavoidable petition and jealousy among

the  masters。  The  secrecy  of  the  project  alone  could  very  well  have  instigated

these  hatreds;  grudges  and  intrigues。  As  the  words  left  my  mouth;  I  sensed

nervously that the Head Treasurer had somehow grown suspicious of me—the


way  you  have  as  well。  My  dear  Allah;  let  justice  be  done;  that  is  all  I  ask;

nothing more。

Within  the  ensuing  silence;  the  Head  Treasurer  cast  his  glance  away  from

me; as if embarrassed on my behalf for my words and my destiny; and fixed his

attention on the pictures resting on the folding table。

“There are nine plates here;” he said。 “The arrangement had been for a book

with  ten  illustrations。  Enishte  Effendi  took  more  gold  leaf  from  us  than  has

been used here。”

“That murdering heretic must have stolen the last illustration; upon which

much of the gold was applied;” I said。

“You haven’t told us who the calligrapher…scribe might be。”

“My late Enishte hadn’t yet pleted the book’s text。 He was anticipating

my help in its pletion。”

“My  dear  child;  you’ve  just  explained  how  you’re  newly  arrived  in


“It’s been one week。 I arrived three days after Elegant Effendi was killed。”

“You  mean  to  say  that  your  Enishte  Effendi  has  been  illustrating  an

unwritten—a nonexistent—manuscript for an entire year?”

“Yes; sir。”

“Had he; then; revealed to you what the book was to recount?”

“Precisely  what  Our  Sultan  stated  He  wanted:  A  book  that  depicted  the

thousandth  year  of  the  Muslim  calendar;  which  would  strike  terror  into  the

heart  of  the  Veian  Doge  by  showing  the  military  strength  and  pride  of

Islam;  together  with  the  power  and  wealth  of  the  Exalted  House  of  Osman。

This was intended to be a book recounting and depicting the most valuable;

most vital aspects of our realm; and just as w

