
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 知乎 > 第74部分(第2页)


book。 The cavalry of Persian and Turanian armies; eternal enemies; had donned

their  full  panoply  of  armor;  helmets;  greaves;  bows;  quivers  and  arrows  and

had  mounted  those  magnificent;  legendary  and  fully  armored  horses。  Before

they engaged one another in a battle to the death; they were arrayed in orderly

ranks  facing  each  other  on  a  dusty  yellow  steppe  holding  the  tips  of  their

lances  upright;  bedecked  in  an  array  of  colors  and  patiently  watching  their

manders; who’d rushed to the fore and begun to fight。 I was about to tell

myself  that  regardless  of  whether  the  illustration  was  made  today  or  a

hundred years ago; whether it’s a depiction of war or love; what the artist of

absolute faith actually paints and conveys is a battle with his will and his love

for painting; I was going to declare further that the miniaturist actually paints

his own patience; when Master Osman said:

“It’s not here either;” and shut the heavy tome。

In the pages of an album we saw high mountains interwoven with curling

clouds in a landscape illustration that seemed to go on forever。 I thought how

painting meant seeing this world yet depicting it as if it were the Otherworld。

Master Osman recounted how this Chinese illustration might’ve traveled from


Bukhara  to  Herat;  from  Herat  to  Tabriz;  and  at  last;  from  Tabriz  to  Our

Sultan’s  palace;  moving  from  book  to  book  along  the  way;  bound  and

unbound; finally to be rebound with other paintings at the end of the journey

from China to Istanbul。

We  saw  pictures  of  war  and  death;  each  more  frightening  and  more

expertly done than the next: Rüstem together with Shah Mazenderan; Rüstem

attacking Afrasiyab’s army; and Rüstem; disguised in armor; a mysterious and

unidentified  hero  warrior…In  another  album  we  saw  dismembered  corpses;

daggers  drenched  in  red  blood;  sorrowful  soldiers  in  whose  eyes  the  light  of

death  gleamed  and  warriors  cutting  each  other  down  like  reeds;  as  fabled

armies;  which  we  could  not  name;  clashed  mercilessly。  Master  Osman—for

who  knows  how  many  thousandth  time—looked  upon  Hüsrev  spying  on

Shirin  bathing  in  a  lake  by  moonlight;  upon  the  lovers  Leyla  and  Mejnun

fainting as they beheld each other after an extended separation; and a spirited

picture; all aflutter with birds; trees and flowers; of Salaman and Absal as they

fled  the  entire  world  and  lived  together  on  an  isle  of  bliss。  Like  a  true  great

master; he couldn’t help drawing my attention to some oddity in a corner of

even the worst painting; perhaps having to do with an oversight on the part of

the  illuminator  or  perhaps  with  the  conversation  of  colors:  As  might  be

expected; Hüsrev and Shirin are listening to a charming recital by her ladies…in…

