
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 > 第21部分(第2页)


window  like  divine  light;  I  considered  it  nothing  but  an  act  of  God’s  grace。  The

pleasure  of  seeing  your  face  is  all  I  need。  '“He  took  that  from  Nizami;”  Hasan

interrupted; annoyed。' But you ask me to keep my distance; tell me then; are you

an angel that approaching you should be so terrifying? Listen to what I have to

say;  listen:  I  used  to  try  to  sleep  watching  the  moonlight  fall  onto  the  naked

mountains  from  remote  and  godforsaken  caravansaries  where  nobody  but  a

desperate han keeper and a few thugs fleeing the gallows lodged; and there; in the

middle  of  the  night;  listening  to  the  howling  of  wolves  even  lonelier  and  more

unfortunate than myself; I used to think that one day you would suddenly appear

to me; just as you did at the window。 Read closely: Now that I’ve returned to your

father  for  the  sake  of  the  book;  you’ve  sent  back  the  picture  I  made  in  my

childhood。 I know this is not a sign of your death but a sign that I’ve found you

again。 I saw one of your children; Orhan。 That poor fatherless boy。 One day I will

bee his father!


“God protect him; he’s written well;” I said; “this one has bee quite the


“”Are  you  an  angel  that  approaching  you  should  be  so  terrifying?“”  he

repeated。 “He stole that line from Ibn Zerhani。 I could do better。” He took his

own letter out of his pocket。 “Take this and deliver it to Shekure。”

For the first time; accepting money along with the letters disturbed me。 I

felt  something  like  disgust  toward  this  man  and  his  mad  obsession;  his

unrequited love。 Hasan; as if to confirm my hunch; for the first time in a long

while set aside his good etiquette and said quite rudely:

“Tell her that if we so desire; we’ll force her back here under pressure of the


“You really want me to say that?”

Silence。  “Nay;”  he  said。  The  light  from  the  oil  lamp  illuminated  his  face;

allowing me to see him lower his head like a guilty child。 It’s because I know

this side of Hasan’s character as well that I have some respect for his feelings

and deliver his letters。 It’s not only for the money; as you might think。

I was leaving the house; and he stopped me at the door。

“Do you let Shekure know how much I love her?” he asked me excitedly and


