
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 > 第31部分(第1页)


permitted to marry us or that we’ll never reach such…and…such a station in life。

I  was  watching  the  rise  and  fall  of  Black’s  shoulders;  his  head  and  his

neck—the  incredibly  annoying  way  that  he  walked;  as  though  his  every  step

were a gift to the world—with a profound hatred that coiled cozily around my

heart。  Men  like  Black;  free  from  pangs  of  conscience  and  with  promising

futures  before  them;  assume  that  the  entire  world  is  their  home;  they  open

every door like a sultan entering his personal stable and immediately belittle

those of us crouched inside。 The urge to grab a stone and run up behind him

was almost too great to resist。

We were two men in love with the same woman; he was in front of me and

pletely  unaware  of  my  presence  as  we  walked  through  the  turning  and

twisting streets of Istanbul; climbing and descending; we traveled like brethren

through  deserted  streets  given  over  to  battling  packs  of  stray  dogs;  passed

burnt ruins where jinns loitered; mosque courtyards where angels reclined on

domes  to  sleep;  beside  cypress  trees  murmuring  to  the  souls  of  the  dead;

beyond the edges of snow…covered cemeteries crowded with ghosts; just out of

sight of brigands strangling their victims; passed endless shops; stables; dervish

houses; candle works; leather works and stone walls; and as we made ground; I

felt I wasn’t following him at all; but rather; that I was imitating him。



I  am  Death;  as  you  can  plainly  see;  but  you  needn’t  be  afraid;  I’m  just  an

illustration。 Be that as it may; I read terror in your eyes。 Though you know very

well  that  I’m  not  real—like  children  who  give  themselves  over  to  a  game—

you’re  still  seized  by  horror;  as  if  you’d  actually  met  Death  himself。  This

pleases me。 As you look at me; you sense that you’ll soil yourselves out of fear

when that unavoidable last moment is upon you。 This is no joke。 When faced

with  Death;  people  lose  control  of  their  bodily  functions—particularly  the

majority  of  those  men  who  are  known  to  be  brave…hearted。  For  this  reason;

the  corpse…strewn  battlefields  that  you’ve  depicted  thousands  of  times  reek

not  of  blood;  gunpowder  and  heated  armor  as  is  assumed;  but  of  shit  and

rotting flesh。

I know this is the first time you’ve seen a depiction of Death。

One year ago; a tall; thin and mysterious old man invited to his house the

young master miniaturist who would soon enough illustrate me。 In the half…

dark workroom of the two…story house; the old man served an exquisite cup of

silky;  amber…scented  coffee  to  the  young  master;  which  cleared  the  youth’s

mind。 Next; in that shadowy room with the blue door; the old man excited the

master miniaturist by flaunting the best paper from Hindustan; brushes made

of  squirrel  hair;  varieties  of  gold  leaf;  all  manner  of  reed  pens  and  coral…

