
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 > 第64部分(第2页)


sensitivity and faith in his own palette could resist the Veian artistry that

duped   the   viewer   by   trying   to   depict   reality   itself   rather   than   its

representation;  in  all  its  detail:  pictures;  shadows  included;  of  cardinals;

bridges;  rowboats;  candlesticks;  churches  and  stables;  oxen  and  carriage

wheels; as if all of them were of the same importance to Allah。

“Was there ever a time when you visited him unannounced as you had with

the others?”

“Whosoever  looks  upon  Butterfly’s  work  will  quickly  sense  that  he

understands  the  value  of  love  as  well  as  the  meaning  of  heartfelt  joy  and

sorrow。 But as with all lovers of color; he gets carried away with his emotions

and  is  fickle。  Because  I  was  so  enamored  of  his  God…given  and  miraculous

talent; of his sensitivity to color; I paid close attention to him in his youth and

know everything there is to know about him。 Of course; in such situations; the

other miniaturists quickly bee jealous and the master…disciple relationship

bees  strained  and  damaged。  There  were  many  moments  of  love  during

which Butterfly did not fear what others might say。 Recently; since he married

the neighborhood fruit seller’s pretty daughter; I’ve neither felt the desire to

go see him; nor have I had the chance。”

“Rumor  has  it  that  he’s  in  league  with  the  followers  of  the  Hoja  from

Erzurum;” Black said。 “They say he stands to gain a lot if the Hoja and his men


declare  certain  works  inpatible  with  religion;  and  thereby;  outlaw  our

books—which depict battles; weapons; bloody scenes and routine ceremonies;

not to mention parades including everyone from chefs to magicians; dervishes

to  boy  dancers;  and  kebab  makers  to  locksmiths—and  confine  us  to  the

subjects and forms of the old Persian masters。”

“Even if we returned skillfully and victoriously to those wondrous paintings

of  Tamerlane’s  time;  even  if  we  returned  to  that  life  and  vocation  in  all  its

minutia—as  bright  Stork  would  best  be  able  to  do  after  me—in  the  final

analysis;  all  of  it’ll  be  forgotten;”  I  said  mercilessly;  “because  everybody  will

want to paint like the Europeans。”

Did I actually believe these words of damnation?

“My Enishte believed the same;” Black confessed meekly; “yet it filled him

with hope。”

The Attributes of Stork

I’ve seen him sign his name as the Sinning Painter Mustafa Chelebi。 Without

paying any mind to whether he had or ought to have a style; whether it should

be identified with a signature or; like the old masters; remain anonymous; or

