
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 > 第80部分(第3页)


divine reward; they’d stare at a masterpiece ceaselessly for hours or even days;

and  because  they  stubbornly  stared  out  of  bowed  heads;  the  meaning  and

world of those pictures—spotted with blood dripping from their eyes—would

take  the  place  of  all  the  evil  they  suffered;  and  as  their  eyes  ever  so  slowly

clouded over they’d approach blindness in peace。 Do you have any idea which

illustration  I’d  want  to  stare  at  till  I’d  attained  the  divine  blackness  of  the


Like  a  man  trying  to  recall  a  childhood  memory;  he  fixed  his  eyes;  whose

pupils seemed to shrink as their whites expanded; on a distant place beyond

the walls of the Treasury。

“The  scene;  rendered  in  the  style  of  the  old  masters  of  Herat;  wherein

Hüsrev;  burning  madly  with  love;  rides  his  horse  to  the  foot  of  Shirin’s

summer palace and waits!”

Perhaps he’d now go on to describe that picture as if reciting a melancholy

poem eulogizing the blindness of the old masters。 “My great master; my dear

sire;” on a strange impulse; I interrupted him; “what I want to stare at for all

eternity is my beloved’s delicate face。 It’s been three days since we wed。 I’ve

thought of her longingly for twelve years。 The scene wherein Shirin falls in love

with Hüsrev after seeing his picture reminds me of none other than her。”

There  was  a  wealth  of  expression  on  Master  Osman’s  face;  curiosity

perhaps;  but  it  had  to  do  neither  with  my  story  nor  with  the  bloody  battle

scene  before  him。  He  seemed  to  be  expecting  good  news  in  which  he  could

gradually take fort。 When I was sure he wasn’t looking at me; I abruptly

grabbed the plume needle and walked away。


In  a  dark  part  of  the  third  of  the  Treasury  rooms;  the  one  abutting  the

baths;  there  was  a  corner  cluttered  with  hundreds  of  strange  clocks  sent  as

presents from Frankish kings and sovereigns; when they stopped working; as

they usually did within a short time; they were set aside here。 Withdrawing to

this  room;  I  carefully  scrutinized  the  needle  that  Master  Osman  claimed

Bihzad had used to blind himself。

By  the  red  daylight  filtering  inside;  reflecting  off  the  casings;  crystal  faces

and  diamonds  of  the  dusty  and  broken  clocks;  the  golden  tip  of  the  needle;

coated  with  a  pinkish  liquid;  occasionally  shimmered。  Had  the  legendary

Master  Bihzad  actually  blinded  himself  with  this  implement?  Had  Master

Osman done the same terrible thing to himself? The expression of an impish

Moroccan;  the  size  of  a  finger  and  colorfully  painted;  attached  to  the

mechanism of one of the large clocks seemed to say “Yes!” Evidently; when the

clock  was  working;  this  man  in  the  Ottoman  turban  would  merrily  nod  his

