question again: “Do you feel the balance of my weight upon your body?”
“Do you like it?” I said。 “Are we beautiful?” I asked。 “Are we as beautiful as
the legendary heroes who slay each other with such elegance in the
masterpieces of the old masters?”
“I don’t know;” said Black; “I can’t see us in the mirror。”
When I imagined how my wife saw us from the other room in the light cast
by the coffeehouse’s oil lamp resting on the floor only a short distance away; I
thought I might actually bite Black’s ear out of excitement。
“Black Effendi; you; who have forced your way into my home and have
disturbed my privacy; dagger in hand; in order to interrogate me;” I said; “do
you now feel my strength?”
“Yes; I also sense that you’re truly in the right。”
“Then proceed; once again; to ask me what you want to know。”
“Describe how Master Osman would caress you。”
“As an apprentice; I was much more lithe; delicate and beautiful than I am
now; and he would mount me then the way I have mounted you。 He would
caress my arms; at times he would even hurt me; but because I was in awe of
his knowledge; his talent and strength; what he did pleased me; and I never
harbored any ill will toward him; because I loved him。 Loving Master Osman
enabled me to love art; colors; paper; the beauty of painting and illumination
and everything that was painted; and thereby to love the world itself and God。
Master Osman is more than a father to me。”
“Would he beat you often?” he asked。
“In the role of a father; he beat me with an appropriate sense of justice; as a
master; he beat me painfully so that I might learn from the punishment。
Thanks to the pain and the fear of a ruler whacking my fingernails I learned
many things better and faster than I would’ve alone。 So he wouldn’t grab me
by my hair and bang my head against the wall when I was an apprentice; I’d
never spill paint; never waste his gold orize; for
example; the curve of a horse’s foreleg; cover up the mistakes of the master
limner; clean my brushes regularly and focus my attention and spirit on the
page before me。 Since I owe my talent and mastery to the beatings I received; I;
in turn; beat my own apprentices without a guilty conscience。 What’s more; I
know that even a beating given without just cause; if it doesn’t break the spirit
of the apprentice; will ultimately benefit him。”
“Even so; you understand that while drubbing a handsome…faced; sweet…
eyed; angelic apprentice; now and then; you get carried away by the sheer