
迪文小说>饥饿游戏1英文版在线阅读 > 第31部分(第1页)


Deep in the meadow; hidden far away

A cloak of leaves; a moonbeam ray

Forget your woes and let your troubles lay

And when again itˇs morning; theyˇll wash away。

Here itˇs safe; here itˇs warm

Here the daisies guard you from every harm

The final lines are barely audible。

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true

Here is the place where I love you。

Everythingˇs still and quiet。 Then; almost eerily; the mockingjays take up my song。

For a moment; I sit there; watching my tears drip down on her face。 Rueˇs cannon fires。 I lean forward and press my lips against her temple。 Slowly; as if not to wake her; I lay her head back on the ground and release her hand。

Theyˇll want me to clear out now。 So they can collect the bodies。 And thereˇs nothing to stay for。 I roll the boy from District 1 onto his face and take his pack; retrieve the arrow that ended his life。 I cut Rueˇs pack from her back as well; knowing sheˇd want me to have it but leave the spear in her stomach。 Weapons in bodies will be transported to the hovercraft。 Iˇve no use for a spear; so the sooner itˇs gone from the arena the better。

I canˇt stop looking at Rue; smaller than ever; a baby animal curled up in a nest of ting。 I canˇt bring myself to leave her like this。 Past harm; but seeming utterly defenseless。 To hate the boy from District 1; who also appears so vulnerable in death; seems inadequate。 Itˇs the Capitol I hate; for doing this to all of us。

Galeˇs voice is in my head。 His ravings against the Capitol no longer pointless; no longer to be ignored。 Rueˇs death has forced me to confront my own fury against the cruelty; the injustice they inflict upon us。 But here; even more strongly than at home; I feel my impotence。 Thereˇs no way to take revenge on the Capitol。 Is there?

Then I remember Peetaˇs words on the roof。 ¨Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to 。 。 。 to show the Capital they donˇt own me。 That Iˇm more than just a piece in their Games。〃 And for the first time; I understand what he means。

I want to do something; right here; right now; to shame them; to make them accountable; to show the Capitol that whatever they do or force us to do there is a part of every tribute they canˇt own。 That Rue was more than a piece in their Games。 And so am I。

A few steps into the woods grows a bank of wildflowers。 Perhaps they are really weeds of some sort; but they have blossoms in beautiful shades of violet and yellow and white。 I gather up an armful and e back to Rueˇs side。 Slowly; one stem at a time; I decorate her body in the flowers。 Covering the ugly wound。 Wreathing her face。 Weaving her hair with bright colors。

Theyˇll have to show it。 Or; even if they choose to turn the cameras elsewhere at this moment; theyˇll have to bring them back when they collect the bodies and everyone will see her then and know I did it。 I step back and take a last look at Rue。 She could really be asleep in that meadow after all。

¨Bye; Rue;〃 I whisper。 I press the three middle fingers of my left hand against my lips and hold them out in her direction。 Then I walk away without looking back。

The birds fall silent。 Somewhere; a mockingjay gives the warning whistle that precedes the hovercraft。 I donˇt know how it knows。 It must hear things that humans canˇt。 I pause; my eyes focused on whatˇs ahead; not whatˇs happening behind me。 It doesnˇt take long; then the general birdsong begins again and I know sheˇs gone。

Another mockingjay; a young one by the look of it; lands on a branch before me and bursts out Rueˇs melody。

My song; the hovercraft; were too unfamiliar for this novice to pick up; but it has mastered her handful of notes。 The ones that mean sheˇs safe。

