
迪文小说>饥饿游戏英文原版 > 第48部分(第2页)


¨He knew you were smart enough to get it right;〃 I say。

¨I didnˇt know there was anything to get right;〃 says Peeta。 ¨So; what youˇre saying is; these last few days and then I guess 。 。 。 back in the arena 。 。 。 that was just some strategy you two worked out。〃

¨No。 I mean; I couldnˇt even talk to him in the arena; could I?〃 I stammer。

¨But you knew what he wanted you to do; didnˇt you?〃 says Peeta。 I bite my lip。 ¨Katniss?〃 He drops my hand and I take a step; as if to catch my balance。

¨It was all for the Games;〃 Peeta says。 ¨How you acted。〃

¨Not all of it;〃 I say; tightly holding onto my flowers。 ¨Then how much? No; forget that。 I guess the real question is whatˇs going to be left when we get home?〃 he says。

¨I donˇt know。 The closer we get to District Twelve; the more confused I get;〃 I say。 He waits; for further explanation; but noneˇs forthing。

¨Well; let me know when you work it out;〃 he says; and the pain in his voice is palpable。

I know my ears are healed because; even with the rumble of the engine; I can hear every step he takes back to the train。 By the time Iˇve climbed aboard; Peeta has disappeared into his room for the night。 I donˇt see him the next morning; either。 In fact; the next time he turns up; weˇre pulling into District 12。 He gives me a nod; his face expressionless。

I want to tell him that heˇs not being fair。 That we were strangers。 That I did what it took to stay alive; to keep us both alive in the arena。 That I canˇt explain how things are with Gale because I donˇt know myself。 That itˇs no good loving me because Iˇm never going to get married anyway and heˇd just end up hating me later instead of sooner。 That if I do have feelings for him; it doesnˇt matter because Iˇll never be able to afford the kind of love that leads to a family; to children。 And how can he? How can he after what weˇve just been through?

I also want to tell him how much I already miss him。 But that wouldnˇt be fair on my part。

So we just stand there silently; watching our grimy little station rise up around us。 Through the window; I can see the platformˇs thick with cameras。 Everyone will be eagerly watching our homeing。

Out of the corner of my eye; I see Peeta extend his hand。 I look at him; unsure。 ¨One more time? For the audience?〃 he says。 His voice isnˇt angry。 Itˇs hollow; which is worse。 Already the boy with the bread is slipping away from me。 I take his hand; holding on tightly; preparing for the cameras; and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go。


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