
迪文小说>我的名字叫李红翻译 > 第56部分(第1页)


This was intended to be a book recounting and depicting the most valuable;

most vital aspects of our realm; and just as with the Treatises on Physiognomy; a

portrait   of   Our   Sultan   would   be   situated   at   the   heart   of   the   book。

Furthermore;  since  the  illustrations  were  made  in  the  Frankish  style  using

Frankish  methods;  they  would  arouse  the  awe  of  the  Veian  Doge  and  his

desire for friendship。”

“I’m aware of all that; but are these dogs and trees the most valuable and

vital aspects of the Exalted House of Osman?” he said; gesturing wildly at the



“My  Enishte;  may  he  rest  in  peace;  insisted  that  the  book  show  not  Our

Sultan’s  wealth  alone;  but  His  spiritual  and  moral  strength  along  with  His

hidden sorrows。”

“And Our Sultan’s portrait?”

“I haven’t seen it。 It’s probably wherever that heretic murderer has hidden

it。 Who knows; it’s probably in his house at this very moment。”

My  late  Enishte  had  been  diminished  to  the  status  of  a  man  who’d

missioned  a  menagerie  of  odd  pictures  that  the  Head  Treasurer  deemed

worthless; rather than one who’d struggled to plete a book worthy of the

gold he’d been paid。 Was the Head Treasurer thinking I’d murdered an inept

and  untrustworthy  man  in  order  to  marry  Enishte’s  daughter;  or  for  some

other reason—perhaps to sell off the gold leaf? From his glances; I read that

my case was about to be closed; so speaking nervously and with the last of my

strength; I tried to clear my name: I told him that my Enishte had confided to

me  that  one  of  the  master  miniaturists  he  hired  might’ve  murdered  poor

Elegant  Effendi。  Keeping  my  declaration  brief;  I  told  him  how  my  Enishte

suspected  Olive;  Stork  or  Butterfly。  I  neither  had  much  proof  nor  felt  much

self…confidence。  Afterward;  I  sensed  that  the  Head  Treasurer  considered  me

nothing but a base slanderer and a foolish gossip。

Finally;  I  was  elated  when  the  Head  Treasurer  said  we  must  conceal  the

details of Enishte’s mysterious death from the workshop; I took this as a sign

that he believed my story。 The pictures remained with the Head Treasurer and I

passed through the Gate of Salutation—which had earlier felt like the Gate of

Heaven。 After exiting under the scrutiny of the guards; I immediately relaxed;

like a soldier returned home after an absence of many years。



My  funeral  was  splendid;  exactly  as  I’d  wanted。  It  made  me  proud  that

everybody I’d wished would attend came。 Of the viziers who were in Istanbul

at  the  time  of  my  death;  Haji  Hüseyin  Pasha  of  Cyprus  and  Baki  Pasha  the

