
迪文小说>托福阅读例文 > 第12部分(第2页)


extract[ikstr?kt]v。 取出,拔出;提取

例句 1。 Through hearing stories with a clear beginning; middle; and ending children might learn to extract the gist of events in ways that they can describe many years later。 通过听一些有着清晰的开头、过程和结尾的故事,孩子们也许现在就能学会像多年以后那样提取事情的要点。

2。 Some fossils are able to be extracted from these sediments by putting the rocks in an acid bath。 把岩石放到酸性液体里,一些化石就可以从这些沉淀物中被提取出来。

同义 abstract(v。 提取)

要点 在一些小说类的文章节选中经常会看到extract这个词,表示“摘选”的含义,但是在托福阅读文章中经常使用的是它的“提取”的含义。

extraction[ikstr?k?n]n。 取出;抽出;拔出

搭配 information extraction 信息抽取

例句 Present methods of petroleum extraction enable oil producers to recover about half of the worlds petroleum reserves。 当今的石油开采方式使石油生产商能恢复大约一半的世界石油储量。

facilitate[f?siliteit]v。 推动,促进;使…变得容易

例句 1。 Hydroponics has applications beyond basic research; as it facilitates the growing of greenhouse vegetables during winter。 水培法的应用不仅限于基础研究,因为它对冬季大棚蔬菜的生长有帮助。

2。 Development in banking and financial services facilitated the expansion of trade and was benefited from the huge influx of capital in the form of gold and silver from the Americas。 银行和财政服务的发展推动了贸易的拓展,也受益于美国以金银形式注入的巨大资本。

3。 Governments policies on trade facilitated the exporting of agricultural products。 政府的贸易政策促进了农产品的出口。

同义 impulse(v。 推动)

fertile[f?:rtl]a。 肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的

例句 In all probability; it was the fertile plain of Latium; where the Latins who founded Rome originated。 很有可能,建立罗马的拉丁人最初就是起源于富饶的拉丁姆平原。

同义 productive(a。 能繁殖的)

format[f?:rm?t]v。 使格式化 n。 设计;安排;格式,样式

搭配 the format of a program 节目的编排;file format 文件格式

例句 1。 Advertisements might be misleading to children when they use audio and visual formats which are especially appealing to children。 当广告使用了特别能吸引孩子的声音和视觉形式的时候,广告也许会误导孩子。

2。 The new candid photography unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken confirmed these scientific results; and at the meantime suggested new positional formats。 新抢拍的照片很自然,这是在拍摄目标没有意识到的情况下拍摄的,这在证实了这些科学结果的同时也暗示了一种新的创作形式。

friction[frik?n]n。 摩擦;摩擦力;矛盾,冲突

例句 1。 This friction tends to slow the speed of winds; making them far less efficient at dispersing on airflow; and rainfall is also increased in cities。 这种摩擦力易于减缓风速,使它们无法有效地分散气流,城市的降水量也提高了。

2。 The forward movement of a small animal is severely reduced by the air friction。 小动物向前的运动因受到空气摩擦而被减缓。

同义 clash; conflict(n。 矛盾,冲突)

要点 friction不仅表达具体的“摩擦、摩擦力”,还可以表示“矛盾、冲突”,例如:Soldiers needed to be occupied when there was no campaign; otherwise they represented a potentially dangerous source of friction。 在没有战役的时候士兵们也得忙起来,否则就代表一种潜在的冲突危险。


搭配 gaseous diffusion 气体扩散

例句 1。 It was consequently quite surprising when John and Rayleigh discovered a gaseous element in 1894 that did not fit into the previous classification scheme。 当约翰和瑞利于1894年发现一种不适用于之前的分类方案的气态元素时,引起了巨大的震惊。

2。 As Jupiter; Saturn is a large and gaseous planet。 土星与木星一样,是个巨大的气态行星。

impetus[impit?s]n。 促进;刺激;推动力

例句 1。 This development provided an impetus to a long…held desire to secure direct relations with the East by establishing a sea trade。 这一发展给希望通过海上贸易与东方建立直接联系的长期愿望提供了动力。

