2。 For the barrier of ice to the east; the Pacific Ocean to the west; and populated areas to the north; there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction。 由于东部的冰形成的障碍,西部太平洋的阻挡,以及北部地区的众多人口,可能有更强大的动力促使人们南迁。
3。 The danger of the fire provides an impetus to the use of more durable material。 火灾的危险性推进了更加耐火的材料的使用。
同义 impulse(n。 促进;推动)
要点 在阅读中,作者有可能会用motive power代替impetus表示“动力”。
implement[impliment]v。 实施,执行[implim?nt]n。 工具
例句 1。 The basic cultural requirements for the successful colonization of the Pacific islands include a varied inventory of fishing implements and techniques。 成功殖民太平洋岛的基础文化需求包括多种捕鱼的工具和技术。
2。 Why and how these people spread out into central and southern Africa keeps up a mystery; but archaeologists firmly believe that their iron weapons allowed them to conquer their hunting…gathering opponents; who still used stone implements。 这些人为什么以及如何到达非洲中部和南部一直是个谜,但是考古学家们坚信是他们的铁制武器使他们征服了那些依旧使用石器狩猎的对手。
同义 instrument(n。 工具)
influence[influ?ns]n。 影响 v。 影响;感化
例句 1。 Animals have internal clocks which influence their activities even when environmental cues are absent。 动物都有生物钟,即便是当环境线索缺失时也可以影响它们的活动。
2。 Pastoralists are highly mobile and tend to have tiny material possessions; but they can influence the culture; ecology; and language。 牧民迁移频繁,而且仅有少量的物质财产,但他们能影响文化、生态以及语言。
要点 influence常用于描述新技术或新事物对传统生活的影响。如:There were two widely divergent influences on the development of statistical methods。
同义 effect(n。 影响);affect(v。 影响)
innovation[?in?vei?n]n。 新方法;新事物;革新
例句 1。 Because the interest in developing and introducing sound in film is intense; the general use of other technological innovations was delayed。 由于人们对为影片加入声音有着强烈的兴趣,所以其他的技术创新没有及时被普遍使用。
2。 The extensive development of agriculture was often acpanied by a great movement of people who had carried the innovations。 农业的广泛发展通常伴随着一次伟大的运动,而这样的运动是由掌握革新技术的人们发起的。
同义 reformation(n。 改革)
搭配 input power 输入功率
例句 1。 Through measuring the water quantities at each of a lakes inputs and outputs; it could be determined whether water enters the lake mainly from surface or groundwater sources。 通过测量流入和流出每个湖的水量,可以判定流入湖里的水源主要来自地表还是地下。
2。 Glaciers are an open system; with snow as the systems input and meltwater as its output。 冰川是开放的体系,降雪是该体系的输入来源,而融水则是输出的水源。
insert[ins?:rt]v。 插入
搭配 insert into 写入
例句 Please use your hands to insert the keys in the locks。 请用手把钥匙插到锁里。
insulate[ins?leit]v。 使隔离,使隔绝
例句 1。 All the heat which warms a building finally transfers to the surrounding air; a process that is quickest where houses are poorly insulated。 提供给一座建筑的所有热量最后都会转移到周围的空气里,这个过程在隔热差的房子中能得到最快的体现。
2。 Now; the ice shelves insulate the Antarctic continent from wind。 目前,冰架阻挡着风吹进南极洲。
同义 isolate(v。 使隔离,使隔绝)
insulation[?ins?lei?n]n。 绝缘;隔离,隔绝
例句 1。 Even with insulation and countercurrent exchange systems; hatchlings are simply too small to conserve body heat。 即便是在完全封闭或是逆流交换系统中,这些初生的个体也很难保持身体的热度,因为它们还都太小。
2。 The low growth form can also allow the plants to make good use of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover。 在?