
迪文小说>君主论哪个译本好 知乎

君主论哪个译本好 知乎

君主论哪个译本好 知乎

作  者:季

类  别:都市小说

状  态:已完结

动  作:加入书架章节目录开始阅读

最后更新:2024-05-08 08:58:40


君主论哪个译本好 知乎是由作者:季所著,迪文小说免费提供君主论哪个译本好 知乎全文在线阅读。
三秒记住本站:迪文小说  网址:www.dwxs.cc 君主论theprince英文版

《君主论哪个译本好 知乎》第15部分

thespirit of the times。 This follows from what I have said; that two menworking differently bring about the same effect; and of two workingsimilarly; one attains his object and the other does not。Changes in estate also issue from this; for if; to one who governshimself with caution and patience; times and affairs converge in such away that his admi...

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