
迪文小说>我的名字叫红原文是英文吗 > 第27部分(第3页)


“I  was  afraid;”  my  Enishte  said。  “I  panicked  momentarily  when  I  realized

where Our Sultan’s thoughts were taking me。”

What filled my Enishte with fear was the notion of situating at the center of

the  page—and  thereby;  the  world—something  other  than  what  God  had


“Thereafter;”  Our  Sultan  had  said;  “you’ll  want  to  exhibit  a  picture  in

whose  center  you’ve  situated  a  dwarf。”  It  was  as  I  had  assumed。  “But  this

picture  could  never  be  displayed:  after  a  while;  we’d  begin  to  worship  a

picture we’ve hung on a wall; regardless of the original intentions。 If I believed;

heaven forbid; the way these infidels do; that the Prophet Jesus was also the

Lord God himself; then I’d also hold that God could be observed in this world;

and even; that He could manifest in human form; only then might I accept the

depiction  of  mankind  in  full  detail  and  exhibit  such  images。  You  do


understand  that;  eventually;  we  would  unthinkingly  begin  worshiping  any

picture that is hung on a wall; don’t you?”

My Enishte said: “I understood it quite well; and because I did; I was afraid

of what we both were thinking。”

“For this reason;” Our Sultan remarked; “I could never allow my portrait to

be displayed。”

“Though  this  is  exactly  what  he  wanted;”  whispered  my  Enishte;  with  a

devilish titter。

It was my turn to be frightened now。

“Noheless; it is my desire that my portrait be made in the style of the

Frankish masters;” Our Sultan went on。 “Such a portrait will; of course; have

to be concealed within the pages of a book。 Whatever that book might be; you

shall be the one to tell me。”

“In  an  instant  of  surprise  and  awe;  I  considered  his  statement;”  said  my

Enishte;  then  grinning  more  devilishly  than  before;  he  seemed;  suddenly;  to

bee someone else。

“His  Excellency  Our  Sultan  ordered  me  to  start  working  on  His  book

posthaste。 My head spun with joy。 He added that it ought to be prepared as a

present for the Veian Doge; whom I was to visit once again。 Once the book

was  pleted;  it  would  bee  a  symbol  of  the  vanquishing  power  of  the

Islamic  Caliph  Our  Exalted  Sultan;  in  the  thousandth  year  of  the  Hegira。  He

requested  that  I  prepare  the  illuminated  manuscript  in  utmost  secrecy;

primarily to conceal its purpose as an olive branch extended to the Veians;

but  also  to  avoid  aggravating  workshop  jealousies。  And  in  a  state  of  great

elation and sworn to secrecy; I embarked upon this venture。”

