youths in love with each other; and was reminded of the love my own
handsome apprentices nourished for painting。 A tiny…footed; transparent…
skinned; weak and girlish youth had bared a delicate forearm; which aroused
in one the desire to kiss it and die; while a cherry…lipped; almond…eyed;
sapling…thin; button…nosed beauty of a maiden gazed with wonder—as though
viewing three lovely flowers—upon the three small; deep marks of passion the
youth had burned onto the inside of that adorable arm to demonstrate the
strength of his love and his attachment to her。
Oddly; my heart began to quicken and pound。 As had happened sixty years
ago in my early apprenticeship; while I was looking at some rather indecent
illustrations of handsome marble…skinned boys and slim small…breasted
maidens drawn in the black…ink style of Tabriz; beads of sweat accumulated on
my forehead。 I recalled the passion for painting I felt and the depth of thought
I experienced when; a few years after I’d married and taken my first steps
toward master status; I saw a lovely angel…faced; almond…eyed; rose…petal…
skinned youth brought in as an apprentice candidate。 For a moment; I had the
strong feeling that painting was not about melancholy and regret but about
this desire I felt and that it was the talent of the master artist that first
transformed this desire into a love of God and then into a love of the world as
God saw it; so strong was this feeling that it caused me to relive with ecstatic
delight all the years I’d spent over the drawing board until my back was
hunched; all the beatings I’d endured while learning my craft; my dedication
to courting blindness through illustration and all the agonies of painting I’d
suffered and made others suffer。 As if running my eyes over something
forbidden; I stared long and silently at this wondrous illustration with the
same delight。 Much later I was still staring。 A teardrop slid from my eye over
my cheek into my beard。
When I noticed that one of the candlesticks slowly floating through the
Treasury was approaching me; I put the album away and randomly opened
one of the volumes the dwarf had recently set beside me。 This was a special
album prepared for shahs: I saw two deer at the edge of a green copse
enamored of each other; with jackals watching them in hostile envy。 I turned
the page: Chestnut and bay horses that could’ve been the work of only one of
the old masters of Herat—how spectacular they were! I turned the page: A
confidently seated governmental official greeted me from a seventy…year…old
picture; I couldn’t determine who it was from the face because he looked like
anybody; or so I thought; yet the air of the painting; the seated man’s beard