
迪文小说>我的名字叫红 知乎 > 第77部分(第3页)


two  pictures;  beginning  with  the  first  owner;  they  added  the  faces  of  their

beautiful wives to the illustrations and appended their names proudly to the

colophon  page;  afterward;  it  passed  to  Sam  Mirza  who’d  conquered  Herat;

and he made a present of it; with a separate dedication; for his elder brother;

Shah Ismail; who in turn brought it to Tabriz and had it prepared as a gift with

yet another dedication。 When the denizen of paradise Sultan Selim the Grim

defeated Shah Ismail at Chaldiran and plundered the Seven Heavens Palace in

Tabriz;  the  book  ended  up  here  in  this  Treasury  in  Istanbul;  after  traveling

across  deserts;  mountains  and  rivers  along  with  the  victorious  sultan’s


How much of an aging master’s interest and excitement did Black and the

dwarf  share?  As  I  opened  new  volumes  and  turned  their  pages;  I  sensed  the

profound sorrow of thousands of illustrators from hundreds of cities large and

small; each with a distinctive temperament; each painting under the patronage

of  a  different  cruel  shah;  khan  or  chieftain;  each  displaying  his  talent  and

succumbing to blindness。 I felt the pain of the beatings we all received during

our  long  apprenticeships;  the  blows  inflicted  with  rulers;  until  our  cheeks

turned bright red; or with marble polishing stones upon our shaven heads; as I

flipped—with  humiliation—through  the  pages  of  a  primitive  book  that


displayed  methods  and  implements  of  torture。  I  had  no  idea  what  this

miserable book was doing in the Ottoman Treasury: Instead of seeing torture

as  a  necessary  practice  administered  before  the  supervision  of  a  judge  to

ensure  Allah’s  justice  in  the  world;  infidel  travelers  would  convince  their

coreligionists  of  our  cruelty  and  evil…heartedness  by  having  dishonorable

miniaturists abase themselves and dash off these pictures in exchange for a few

gold  pieces。  I  was  embarrassed  at  the  obvious  depraved  pleasure  with  which

this  miniaturist  had  drawn  pictures  of  bastinados;  beatings;  crucifixions;

hangings  by  the  neck  or  the  feet;  hookings;  impalings;  firings  from  cannon;

nailings;   stranglings;   the   cutting   of   throats;   feedings   to   hungry   dogs;

whippings; baggings; pressings; soakings in cold water; the plucking of hair; the

breaking  of  fingers;  the  delicate  flayings;  the  cutting  off  of  noses  and  the

removal  of  eyes。  Only  true  artists  like  us  who’d  suffered  throughout  our

apprenticeships  merciless  bastinados;  random  pummelings  and  fists  so  that

the  irritable  master  who  drew  a  line  incorrectly  might  feel  better—not  to

mention  hours  of  blows  from  sticks  and  rulers  so  that  the  devil  within  us

